18 of 18 descriptions of hell.

18. Eternity. Man can not under-
stand or comprehend hell and all
the Bible says about it.

How severe and long it will be. So
the mind shuts it out. And. of course,
the devil does not want us to grasp it.
Because once we do, then we will do
something about it.

We will start looking for a SAVIOR....
Eternity is the altimate in suffering and
punishment for those.....
17 of 18 descriptions of hell.

17. Wrath of God. Romans 1:18
"For the wrath of God is revealed from
heaven against all ungodliness and un-
righteousness of men,..... "

Sin has to be punished. It is an offense
to God and therefore makes Him angry.

So those in hell will experience this
16 of 18 descriptions of hell.

16. Second death. In the Bible
death never means the end of life;
only the separation from some
thing that it is to belong. [God]

Because our consciousness does
not end....the second death is the
unending life of the lost.
15 of 18 descriptions of hell.

15. Fire. This is the most known
image of hell.

Luke 16:24".... for I am tormented
in this flame." The rich man saying
about his torment in hell.

Fire being used to describe hell is
showing constant suffering for those
who are lost
14 of 18 descriptions of hell.

14. Worm. "....to go into hell, into
the fire that never shall be quenched:
Where their worm dieth not, and the
fire is not quenched."
Mark 9:43 & 44 and 46 & 48

Also the image of an undying worm
was used to describe the unending
judgment that is involved in the life
of hell.
13 of 18 descriptions of hell.

13.Torments. "And in hell he lift up
his eyes, being in torments, and seeth
Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his
bosom......For I have five brethren;
that he may testify unto them, lest they
also come into this place of torment."
Luke 23 and 38

Torments is part of life in hell. It
includes physical pain, mental anguish,
many kinds of suffering.
12 of 18 descriptions of hell.

12. Destruction. Who shall be
punished with everlasting destruction
from the presence of the Lord, and from
the glory of his power;
II Thessalonians 1:9

Paul uses this word to identify hell. He
believes it to be the lot of the wicked.

11 of 18 descriptions of hell.

11. Darkness. Jesus described
hell as "outer darkness". The
greek word he use actually
suggests "extreme darkness".
10 of 18 descriptions of hell.

10. Abyss. John described hell in
Revelation as the bottomless pit.

Satan and His Demons are related

to this part of hell. It is the lowest
part of hell.

It refers to the deepest place from

which no one can escape.
9 of 18 descriptions of hell.

9. Wailing and gnashing of teeth.
And shall cast them into a furnace
of fire: there shall be wailing and
gnashing of teeth. Matt. 13:42

This and other verses regarding the
torment and torture experienced in

8 of 18 descriptions of hell.

8. Stripes. Luke 12:47 The Parable

of the Unfaithful Servant. " And that
servant, which knew his lord's will,
and prepared not himself, neither did
according to his will, shall be beaten
with many stripes."

Jesus uses the concept of "stripes"

to explain the varying degrees of
punishments. This as a reference to
hell is a certainty.

It doesn't lessen the reality of the
punishment nor the suffering caused.

There will not be much comfort taken
for those who have committed less sin
for a few stripes, versus the ones with
many sins gettin many stripes.
7 of 18 description of hell

7. Chains. The word tells of Satan
chained and bound for 1000 years
while Jesus reigns on the earth.

God shows that he is more powerful
than Satan and his angels by being
able to bind them in the abyss or hell.

1Peter 2:4, Jude 6, Revelation 20:1
6 of 18 descriptions of hell

6. Prison. It has appeared twice as a
reference to hell.

Apparently spirits here are waiting for
later sentencing. Like when suspects
are be held, waiting trial and sentences.
5 of 18 descriptions of hell

5. Retribution. This term is not in the
King James version. It is the fundamental
understanding of God.

Wrath, vengeance, and punishment all
suggest retribution as a part of judgment of

Hell is hell because it is the place where sin
is unrestrained.
4 of 18 descriptions of hell.

4. Gehenna... the most severe word for hell.
Use mainly by Jesus.

It is the name in the word for the Lake of Fire,
which is the eternal home of the lost, those
without Christ.

It is associated with eternal fire, punishment,
and torment (gnashing of teeth and anguish).

3 of 18 descriptions of hell

3. Tartaros....This Greek word is only once in
scripture but only as a verb and not a noun.

It is based on a Greek noun describing the lowest
level of hell.

God casted the fallen angels "in the bottom of hell"
which is there punishment.

2 of 18 descriptions of hell

2. Hades. The word used when translating Sheol.
Represents the underworld, or realm of the dead.

It is used only to describe the place of retributions
for the wicked.

The punishment of Hades includes:
(1) burning
(2) separation and loneliness
(3) conviction by memory
(4) thirst
(5) falling
(6) stench

18 descriptions of hell are in the Old & New

torment Rev.14:10-11
second death Rev 21:8

pit of the abyss Rev 9:2,11
wrath of God Rom 2:5

1. Sheol meaning "hallow" or "deep" place.

Often it appears to refer just to the grave to which all men go.

Does refer to both hell and the grave.

Sheol used 65 times in the Old Testament
translated hell 31 times - grave 31 times
pit 3 times
It is the Old Testament word for the abode of the dead.
But a place of conscious existence.