Why are we fighting for things of this world?
Why try to gain the things we must lose; and
lose the things that really count in eternity?

We should be Christians knowing Christ.
We should be committed to Him, living for Him,

letting our testimonies be heard.
We should become the heroes……
The greatest thing of all the world is knowing

that you are saved, going to heaven and being
with Jesus forever!

Believe in Jesus Christ today as your Savior!
The Prophetic Word tells us that one day every
thing will be destroyed. “Seeing, then, that all
things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons
ought ye to be in all holy living and godliness,”

2 Peter 3:11

“And the world passeth away, and the lust of it;
but he that doeth the will of God abideth forever,”
1 John 2:17

This world will be gone and a new heaven and
earth will be in it’s place. Why live for the things
of this world except those needed for existence.

“And having food and raiment let us be therewith
content,” I Timothy 6:8
Utopianism is another delusion being passed
around in the world today.

Everything is bright and beautiful to them. It is
a key to politics. Nobody will be listened to if they
don’t have a message of how wonderful and great
they can make life for us.

Man’s day will be followed by God’s day! The Day
of the Lord will be when the Christians are removed
and taken out of the world then God’s judgment will
fall on the earth.

Right now God is not judging the earth and the world
is protected with His believers being here.
"This is the day

that the Lord

hath made,

we will rejoice

and be glad in it."
Judgment is a consequence of wickedness and

“Be not deceived, God is not mocked, for what
soever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh

reap corruption; but He that soweth to the Spirit
shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.”
Galatians 6:7-8

It is a (spiritual) law that can not be broken. It
is one of the truths in the Prophetic Word. What
a man sows, he reaps. Good or bad.
But no such thing is said to the unbeliever. There
is no hope for them until they know Jesus as their

God has no encouragement in His Word for the
people who doesn’t know Jesus.

To those who are not Christians, the Bible says
you are going to hell and the quicker you know
and face that the better. And besides that
they are going to face some terrible things in life.

Now that is doom and gloom!
Lots of people think that the Prophetic Word
is just about doom and gloom.

But it is not. It’s the most exciting and most
encouraging part of the Bible.

God encourages those who choose to follow
Him. He says that if you are a Christian that
you have a great destination ahead. He promises
the Christians that for all eternity.

He will win and those who believe in Him will
walk the golden streets and live in palaces…..
now that is not doom and gloom!
As long as man trusts in himself rather than God,
he will never learn truth.

God will frustrate all human dreams. He will work
against the Godless. He will move dreams and
schemes until He receives glory for himself.

It’s been told that John Lennon said that the
Beatles were as great as Jesus Christ. That’s a
fearful statement to make.

Any person who declares they are as great as God
or is god of the universe, will be opposed by the
Lord himself. He will not share His glory with any
one but the Father.
There is a God that is in heaven and He will
insist that man faces that truth. He will do it
one way or the other.

Whether man voluntarily submits to it or
chooses death. The devil is not going to
take it away from Him.

Human endeavors, no matter how good they
sound or appear, will always end up destroyed.
They are not a part of truth or what is real so
they can not succeed.
One day a great humanistic religion is going to
rule in the world and force everyone to accept
it’s dictates. All the world will be a part of that
religion at the start. This religion’s goal is to get
rid of God. Can you even imagine that? This kind
of act against God will not succeed....God will seek
to destroy all of those that come against him.

Be sure that when you believe in a religion that is a
violation of the truth of God, the end will be the way
of death. The Prophetic Word teaches it, so be sure
you do not get caught in the same thing or
anything similar.
Humanism is the idea that "man" is the end of
all things. That man's experience has to be
reality. He is the only one to be trusted and
relied on. It raises man to the position of God.
It says that only man can solve life's problems.

"There is a way that seemeth right unto a
man, but the end thereof are the ways of death,"
Proverbs 16:25

The prediction to those who follow or promote
humanism is very grim in the Bible. It will
produce a devastating result in the end.

Heed the Bible warning and trust Jesus today!
Everyone in the world is looking for reality.
Most have come to the wrong conclusion of
what life is really about.

Christians do not have that problem because
we have the Bible. It holds principles to live
by that tells us what the world and life is all

When we look at the Prophetic Word we see
a standard to obtain to that those without God
can not understand.

Look to God and His word if you really
want to know about life.
God wants people to know that He is God. "They
shall know that I am the Lord."

He will not reward people who are living contrary
to His will. The world needs the knowledge that
God is the Lord. They need to know the truth
about Him....His majesty, His sovereignty and
His Son's sacrifice.

That is the purpose of history, proving that God
is the Lord. This knowledge helps each of us
to become strong Christians.

Get to know Him today!
We are living in a world of conflict between good
and evil. So we must work to accomplish the will
of God in the middle of it.

In Matthew 13:38 Jesus calls the good and evil
'wheat and tares' and they are going to grow up
together until the time of harvest in which then
they will be separated by God.

So the world is not a place of peace and will not
be as long as good and evil are here together.

Please Become a part of the wheat harvest!
There is a message that comes through on almost
every page of God's Word, that we should keep in
mind and that is that God will protect His own.

It produces courage in our hearts to know that He
looks after us and never will leave us or forsake us.

Even though it looks like the world is falling apart
all around us, God says He will protect His children.
Read Psalms 91: 1-4 and 7-8

Satan can not make a promise like that for his. He
will destroy them that follow him when he is done
with them. He has no love or mercy towards any

Jesus loves you....follow Him!
"....If God be for us, who can be against us?"
Romans 8:31

If we choose God and His goodness and right-
ousness, He will help us. But if we choose to
do wicked and that which is against God, we
will have Satan's help.

If we choose to fight against God, we will have
no chance....we will lose!

Don't be a loser, choose God!
David, of the Old Testament, was a man after
God's own heart. It wasn't because he was a
great man or intelligent, which he was, but it
was because he always sought God's forgiveness.
He had a humble spirit and desired to do good.

God empowers us if we strive to do good and do
His will. Just as Satan empowers those who are
wanting and willing to do wickedness.

Choose today who you will serve and obey!
"And call no man your father upon the earth;
for one is your Father, who is in heaven. Neither
be ye called masters; for one is your Master,
even Christ," Matt. 23:9-10

We are not to give people titles because they will
believe them and become prideful, which will
turn into wickedness.

There is a man coming that is very evil, who will
try to convince us that he is the best thing for us
and want to lead us expecting our trust. He will be
the Antichrist who is empowered by Satan.

We are to be watchful for this person because it
will be a sign that Jesus' return will be very

Another principle from Prophetic Word is that
Satan empowers wickedness. He will empower
every thing anybody tries to do, that's including
you and me.

Satan was a beautiful angel named Lucifer before
he fell from heaven. God cast him out because of
his pride.

"Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty
spirit before a fall," Prov. 16:18 Sinful pride
resides in man. What will we do with it?
"....I know not how to go out or come in...Give,
therefore, thy servant an understanding heart
to judge thy people....," 1Kings 3:7,9

Solomon asked God to help him even though
he was a very wise man. God said He would
help him because he was humble.

The Bible tells us that today's generation is
headed for tragedy and ruin if it doesn't turn
to Him (God) for leadership.
Jesus spoke these words and it is best that we
don't forget them, "for ye ought to say, If the
Lord will, we shall live, and do this or that,"
James 4:15

One day God is going to speak to a bunch of
proud and sinful people and He will say, "Go
ahead and run things if you think you can."

And when they try, He will bring about the
worst day that's ever been known to the world
Man wants to take authority "There is a way
that seemeth right unto man but the end thereof
are the ways of death" Prov. 16:25

The Bible teaches that man is always wanting
authority for himself. We live in a world today
which man boasts of all he is doing and what he
has done and what he is able to do. We have even
developed new ways to look at life. Our under-
standing is being changed. We make those changes.

We look at things differently and we can't trust the
old ways.

Man will always try to take God's authority and
become his own master. But it will all be for

God is in charge of this world "....he that openeth
and no man shutteth and shutteth and no man
openeth." Rev. 3:7
"We have also a more sure word of prophecy
unto which ye do well that ye take heed, as
unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until
the day dawn, and the day star arises in your
hearts," 2 Peter 1:9

The only way we are going to understand
today and tomorrow is by looking into the
Prophetic Word. The only light we will have,
walking in a world of darkness, is the light the
Bible sheds on the world around us.
The Bible makes it clear
that all people are sinners.

The Bible also makes it clear
that Jesus died to save