The dragon spirit will teach society atheism,
humanism, immorality, evolution and that
the family is not important.

The beast takes care of the economy and

The false prophet of course is religious.
The first spirit came out of the dragon, who
is Satan or Devil.

The second spirit comes out of the beast,
who is the Antichrist who will rule the world
with satanic power.

The third spirit comes out of the false prophet
who is the religious and spiritual helper of the
Antichrist. He will get some of the church
leaders to follow the Antichrist.
"And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs..."
Revelation 16:13-16

There are three unclean spirits. They are
spirits or demons. They are ungodly, unholy,
and immoral. They are filthy and noisy.
The judgments we see in the book of Revelation
are actual and real. There is no other explanation.
They are as real as the plagues that were sent on
Egypt. Four of those plagues will happen during
the Great Tribulation.

We can not believe in the one and not in the other.
The second feast will be the feast of the
vultures. Revelation 19:17-18

An angel calls the fowls of heaven and
commands them to eat. They will eat the
flesh of kings, captains, mighty men, horses
and all the soldiers on them.

It is awful to rebel against God because He
is going to judge the world one day.
The first feast of Revelation will be the mar-
riage of the Lamb, the most exciting event
of the believers. Revelation 19:7-9

The bride is robed in holiness.
She is dressed in fine linen, clean and white.
which is righteousness.
Those invited are blessed.
As humans we cannot imagine that blood
will flow from this judgment to the bridle
of a horse for one thousand and six hundred
furlongs which is 200 miles.

This is the harvest of death.
This is Armageddon-the mount of slaughter.
The Antichrist will be leading the armies.
John has been looking and has seen these
conditions. He speaks of the judgment of
God on the wicked.

Jesus even listened to created angels. He is
the one to do the reaping. A harvest can not
happen without a person and a sickle. And
when the harvest is ripe (with human souls)
He will reap them.