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The souls of those beheaded (Rev. 20:4) for
Jesus and God's work will rule with Him.
They will exchange 3 1/2 years of the tribulation
for a 1000 year reign.

And those who did not die but did not worship
the beast or his image nor received his mark will
also rule and reign with Jesus 1000 years.
"And cast him into the
bottomless pit, and
shut him up, and set a
seal upon him, that
he should deceive the
nations no more, till
the thousand years
should be fulfilled: and
after that he must be
loosed a little season."
Revelation 20:3
Jesus will rule for 1000 years
The millennium is the seventh dispensation.

Innocence: From creation to the fall
Conscience: From the fall to the flood
Human Government: From the flood to Babel
Promise: From Babel to Mt Sinai
Law: From Mt Sinai to the cross
Grace: From the cross to the rapture

It will be the last age bfore eternity, the perfect
state when God will again be all in all as before
rebellion started in the universe.
Jesus becomes King of the Earth!

". . .The kingdoms of this world are become
the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ;
and he shall reign for ever and ever."
Revelation 11:15

"And I saw a great
white throne, and him
that sat on it, . . ."
Revelation 20:11
The Millennium is the 1000 year period of
God's government on the earth. It is when
God, His Son Jesus and the Holy Spirit will
rule over all the nations.

It is the first 1000 years of Jesus' eternal


Millennium is a latin word for "a thousand

It is used 6 times in the first seven verses

of Revelation 20.

These three spirits will lead men and the
nations into the final battle....the battle of

It will be the bloodiest and most devastating
time in our human history.
It will cleanse the world of evil.
It will be the start of Jesus' 1000 year reign,
where man will serve Him and live in love
and peace.
"Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he
that watcheth, and keepeth his garments,
lest he walk naked, and they see his shame."
Revelation 16:15

Jesus will come as a thief.
Many will be caught unaware.
Blessed are they that are watching, they
will be saved.
Blessed are they that keep their spiritual
Being naked is being backslidden, they will
be shamed.
The work of these spirits is to bring the
kings and the world to the Battle of Arma-

It is a day God has been waiting for; and a
day of His vengeance upon the ungodly
who have worshiped the darkness and not
the light. They have worshiped evil and not