The Rider of the Third Horse is famine.
He carries a pair of balances in his hand,
by which food is weighed out.

According to Matthew 20:2, the denarius,
or penny, was a regular day's wage.

A measure of wheat (about a quart) for a
day's wage, displays a desparate economic

" And when he had
opened the third seal,
I heard the third beast
say, Come and see.

And behold, and lo a
black horse; and he
that sat on him had a
pair of balances in
hand. And I heard a
voice in the midst
the four beasts say.
A measure of wheat
for a penny, and three
measures of barley
for a penny: and see
thou hurt not the oil
and the wine."
Revelation 6:5-6

When the Second Seal was opened, the
Second Horseman came forth just like
the first.

It is said that the purpose of the
Second Horseman, the Red-Horse Rider,
was to take peace from the earth. He was
given a great sword and evidently
authority to remove the restraints that
God used to hold back lawlessness and

World War III breaks out, chaos rules
the earth, and the Antichrist rises to
Who is the Rider of the Red Horse?

"And when he had opened the second seal,

I heard the second beast say, Come and
see. And there went out another horse that
was red: and power was given to him that
sat thereon to take peace from the earth,
and that they should kill one another: and
there was given unto him a great sword."
Revelation 6:3-4
Who is the Rider of the White Horse?
Is he a righteous influence or is he evil?

The other three Riders are evil, so this
White Horse Rider must be an imposter.
Appearing to be righteous but is not. He
comes with a bow but no arrows. He has
no power.
The visions of Zechariah are in relation to
the ones in Revelation.

The vision of Zechariah 1, has a similarity

to the Four Horsemen in Revelation 6.

The horses are of different colors, just as

the horses of Revelation 6, are of different
To understand the meaning and purpose
of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,
we have to remember that Christ had just
taken the Seven-Sealed Book out of the
hand of deity and
that it is the
of the earth.
And in opening it
He is preparing to take back the powers
of evil that had taken control of the world.

Revelation 5 shows Jesus ready to open
the seals and to go forth as the Lion of
the tribe of Judah, "Conquering and to

The Gentile Kingdoms have run their
course. The reign of the Antichrist will be
permitted for a brief time to speed the
ripening of the harvest.

But the days will be shortened and Christ
will come and take over the Kingdom of
this world.
"And there was given him dominion, and
glory, and a kingdom, that all people,
nations, and languages, should serve him:
his dominion is an everlasting dominion,
which shall not pass away, and his
kingdom that which shall not be destroyed."
Daniel 7:14

"And the kingdom and dominion, and the

greatness of the kingdom under the whole
heaven, shall be given to the people of the
saints of the most High, whose kingdom
is an everlasting kingdom, and all
dominions shall serve and obey him."
Daniel 7:27

Daniel 7 and Revelation 4-5 agree on the
accounts of the judgment.
In the vision in Revelation 4-5, the book
reappears for unsealing.

Now we see the purpose of the loosing
of the seals, to put in force the title-deed
given to Daniel.

With the loosing of the Seals, Christ will
evict Satan and turn the Kingdom over
to the saints.
The revelation of the eviction of Satan was
given to the Prophet Daniel.

But in his day, the time hadn't come yet
for the prophecy to be fulfilled. So the
words of the book were sealed up till the
time of the end.

Christ hadn't come as Redeemer; He hadn't
paid the ransom; and He wasn't the "Lamb
that had been slain" yet. Revelation 5:6

"And he said, Go thy way, Daniel: for the
words are closed up and sealed until the
time of the end." Daniel 12:9
Christ is presented before the Ancient of
days. He takes the book (of the title deed)
out of the hand of Him that sits on the
throne. (Revelation 5:5-7)

There are at least three books which will
be opened during the judgment. (Daniel
7:10): The Book of Life, The Book of the
deeds of the wicked (Revelation 20:12),
and The Book of remembrance of the
works of the righteous (Malachi 3:10).


Who can open the book wth the title deed
to the earth? Who is able to take possession
of the earth from Satan?

Daniel says it is One like unto the Son of
Man, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah!

"I say in the
night visions,
and behold,
like the
Son of Man
came with

the clouds of heaven, and came to the
Ancient of days, and they brought him
near before him."
Daniel 7:13
The purpose of the judgment throne is to
take over and destroy Satan's dominion
that he holds over the earth and return it
to the heirs/saints of God.

Daniel 7 continues the judgment scene,
telling the results. It tells how the Beast
is taken and delivered to destruction.

"I beheld even till the beast was slain,

and his body destroyed, and given to
the burning flame. . .But the judgment
shall sit, and they shall take away his
dominion, to consume and to destroy
it unto the end." Daniel 7:11, 26

"The judgment was set and the books were
opened" The differences between accounts
of Daniel and Revelation is:
Daniel covers the whole apocalyptic
revelation to the Beast and giving the saints
the kingdom.
Revelation is an expanded detail of Daniel.
Chapters 4 and 5 tells the beginning scenes
of the judgment.
"Thousand thousands ministered unto
him, and ten thousand times ten thousand
stood before him: the judgment was set
and the books were opened." Daniel 7:10

This description in Daniel 7 is so like that
of Revelation 4:5 that there can be no
doubt that the two refer to each other.

These two accounts gives us a complete
picture and purpose of the Judgment

records the attending angels.
"And I beheld, and I heard the voice
of many angels round about the throne and
the beasts and the elders: and the number of
them was ten thousand times ten thousand,
and thousands of thousands;"
This statement in Daniel 7:9-10 shows
that there were other thrones included in
this setting.

Revelation 4:4, reveals that these other
thrones are occupied by twenty-four elders.
"And round about the throne were four and
twenty seats: and upon the seats I saw four
and twenty elders sitting, clothed in white
raiment; and they had on their heads
crowns of gold."

Revelation 4:5 describes this throne of

"And out of the throne proceeded lightn-
ings and thunderings and voices: and
there were seven lamps of fire burning
before the throne which are the seven
Spirits of God."

The description is of a judgment throne
in Daniel 7 is more vivid.

"His throne was like a fiery flame, and
his wheels are burning fire, The fiery
steam issued and came forth before him. . ."
Daniel 7:9-10
Daniel 7 gives a description of the Ancient
of Days who is on the throne.

"And I beheld till the thrones were set and
the Ancient of Days did sit, whose garment
was white as snow, and the hair of his head
like the pure wool: his throne was like the
fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire."
Daniel 7:9

Revelation 4:2 shows Deity (divinity),
or the Ancient of Days sitting on the
"And behold a throne was set in heaven
and one sat upon the throne."


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