Now we have the sealing of the 144,000
who are the twelve tribes of Israel.

Both the raptured saints (the church) and
the tribulation saints have been taken out
of the earth (vs 9-14).

The sealing involves the "servants of the
living God," so these people are godly
The Great and Terrible Day of the Lord is
about to begin.

The Seventh Seal is ready to be broken.
But before the Seven Trumpet Angels with
their trumpets can sound, there is another
angel coming from the East who cries with
a loud voice, "Hurt not the earth, neither the
sea, nor the trees, till they have sealed the
servants of God in their foreheads."
Revelation 7:3
"And after these things I saw four angels
standing on the four corners of the earth,
holding the four winds of the earth, that
the wind should not blow on the earth,
nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
And I saw another angel ascending from

the east, having the seal of the living God:
and he cried with a loud voice to the four
angels, to whom it was given to hurt the
earth and the sea,
Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the

sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the
servants of our God in their foreheads.
And I heard the number of them which

were sealed: and there were sealed an
hundred and forty and four thousand
of all the tribes of the children of Israel."
Revelation 7:1-4

death is hell without Jesus!
Revelation 1:7, describes the same event in
just a little different way, "Behold he cometh
with the
clouds and
every eye
shall see him,
and they also
that peirced
him; and all
the kindreds
of the earth

shall wail
because of him."

It is this supernatural revelation of Christ
that frightens the people of the world and
causes them to look for holes in the rocks
to hide in.

There is no place to hide! Men pray for the
rocks to fall on them, for the day of grace
is gone. They realize that they have been
deceived by the Antichrist. The see horrible
judgment closing in on them.
"And the heaven departed as a scroll when
it is rolled together; and every mountain
and island were moved out of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great

men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men, and every
bondman, and every free man, hid
themselves in the dens and in the rocks
of the mountains;
And said to the mountains and rocks,

Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from
the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come;

and who shall be able to stand?"
Revelation 6:14-17

The men of earth are in terror, and they
try to hide themselves in the rocks of the
mountains. This is the Second Coming
of Jesus Christ!
There is no doubt that no other reference
agrees or matches that of Matthew 24:29-31.

The correct event is the darkening of the sun
and the moon and the falling of the stars,
under the Sixth Seal.

The opening of the Sixth Seal is definitely
when the Tribulation ends, when Jesus
comes for the Tribulation saints, and the
Day of God's wrath begins.

By understanding these facts, the events of
Matthew 24, and the Book of Revelation
fall into place.
Some time after the Tribulation, saints
stand before the throne of God (Revelation
15:2), threre is a darkness in the kingdom
of the Beast.

This is during the pouring out of the Fifth
vial (Revelation 16:10).

But the circumstances of the Fifth Vial
have little or no relation to the events
taking place in Matthew 24:29-31.

During the Fifth Trumpet the sun is dark-
ened by the smoke of the locusts coming
out of the Pit.

The moon isn't mentioned.

So the Fifth Trumpet is less able to fulfill
the events of Matthew 24:29-31.
There are other mentionings in Revelation
to the sun being affected (the darkening of
the sun and moon).

This happens in Revelation 8:12, at the

time of the Fourth Trumpet. But here the
sun, moon and stars are only partly
darkened. So it can't be the fulfillment of
Matthew 24:29, when the sun is turned
to complete darkness.

So the event taking place at the Fourth

Trumpet has to be ruled out.

Matthew 24:38-39
"For as in the days that were before the
flood they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until
the day that Noe entered into the ark,
And knew not until the flood came, and

took them all away; so shall also the
coming of the Son of man be."

Revelation 6:16-17
"And said to the mountains and rocks,

Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from
the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come;

and who shall be able to stand?"

Matthew 24:31
"And he shall send his angels with a great
sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather
together his elect from the four winds,
from one end of heaven to the other."

Revelation 7:9,14
"After this I beheld, and lo a great multi-
tude which no man could number, of all
nation, and kindreds and people, and
tongues, stood before the throne and the
lamb. . . .These are they which came out
of great tribulation. . . ."

Matthew 24:30
"And then shall all the tribes of the earth

Revelaion 6:15-16
" And the kings of the earth, and the great

men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men, and every
bondman, and every free man, hid them
selves in the dens and in the rocks of the
And said to the mountains and rocks,

Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from
the wrath of the Lamb"

Matthew 24:30
"And they shall see the Son of Man coming
in the clouds of heaven with power and
great glory."

Revelation 6:16
"And said to the mountains and the rocks,
Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him
that sitteth on the throne."

Matthew 24:30
"And then shall appear the sign of the son
of Man in heaven."

Revelation 6:14
"And the heavens departed as a scroll,
when it is rolled together and every moun-
tain and island were removed out of their

Matthew 24:29 ". . . . And the stars shall

fall from heaven, and the powers of the
heaven shall be shaken."

Revelation 6:13 "And the stars of heaven

fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree
casteth her untimely figs, when she is
shaken of a mighty wind."

Matthew 24;29
"Immediately after the Tribulation of those
days shall the sun be darkened and the
moon shall not give her light. . . ."

Revelation 6:12
"And I beheld when he had opened the
Sixth Seal, and lo, there was a great earth-
quake, and the sun became black as sack-
cloth and the moon became as blood."
The importance of correctly identifying the
event of the darkening of the sun and moon,
should be emphasized.

Failing to understand this will cause great
confusion, and cause us not to recognize
which is the Great Tribulation and which is

the Great and Notable Day of the Lord
So then, the darkening of the sun and the
moon comes before the Great and Notable
Day of the Lord.

In Acts 2:19-20, Peter refers to the

prophecy of Joel:

"And I will show
wonders in heaven;
signs in the earth

beneath; blood,
fire and
vapor of smoke;

the sun
shall be turned
into darkness, and the moon into blood,
before the great and notable day of the
Lord come."

The sixth seal marks the end of the

Great Tribulation and at the same time
brings us to the Day of God's wrath.
The Tribulation and the Day of the Lord
will be one after the other.

They are separated by the darkening of the
sun and the moon turning to blood.

Jesus said, "Immediately after the tribu-
lation of those day shall the sun be dark-
ened and the
moon shall not give her light,
and the stars
shall fall from
the powers of
the heaven
shall be shaken."
Matthew 24:29

The Great Tribulation and the Day of the
Lord are two separate events.

The Tribulation comes first and then the
Day of the Lord.

The Tribulation is still the day of man. The
Antichrist arises and controls a large part
of the earth. During this time people will
still be able to be saved. But they must die
as a martyr.

The darkening of the sun and the moon
occurs. Turmoil affects the heavens.

The sun is darkened
the moon turns
to blood.

This event is referred to in the Bible as
that which begins the Great and Notable
Day of the Lord.
In the Bible, earthly turmoil of nature has
been associated with God.

Mount Sinae quaked when the Law was
given to Israel (Exodus 19:18).

When Jesus died on the cross, darkness
came on the earth "and the earth did quake
and the rocks rent" (Matthew 27:50-51).

Hebrews 12:26-27, warns that everything
will be shaken that can be shaken. This
shaking is only the beginning of what is
about to take place.
The first event is to be an earthquake.
The original Greek makes it more than
an ordinary

Haggai 2:6-7
"For thus saith
the Lord
of hosts;
yet once,
it is a little
while, and
I will shake the heaven, and the earth,
and the sea, and the dry land; and I will
shake all nations. . . ."
The Great Tribulation and the ruling of the
Beast is nearing the end.

Up to now, events have been some what of
the natural. Except for the rapture (which
many will try to explain away) there hasn't
been any supernatural or divine interven-
tions in the elements, which can not be ex-
plained as due to natural causes.

But now they are about to occur, and they
will astonish even those who claim to be
knowledgable of bible truths. They will not
be able to blame then on nature.
Revelation 6:12-17 shows that the Sixth
Seal represents the coming of Jesus and
the beginning of the Great and Terrible
Day of the Lord (vs 17).

It is the Day of Wrath spoken of so many
times in the Old Testament prophecies,
such as Zephaniah 1: 14-18:

" The great day of the LORD is near, it is

near, and hasteth greatly, even the voice
of the day of the LORD: the mighty man
shall cry there bitterly.
That day is a day of wrath, a day of

trouble and distress, a day of wasteness
and desolation, a day of darkness and
gloominess, a day of clouds and thick
A day of the trumpet and alarm against

the fenced cities, and against the high
And I will bring distress upon men,

that they shall walk like blind men,
because they have sinned against the
LORD: and their blood shall be poured
out as dust, and their flesh as the dung.
Neither their silver nor their gold shall

be able to deliver them in the day of the
LORD's wrath; but the whole land shall
be devoured by the fire of his jealousy:
for he shall make even a speedy
riddance of all them that dwell in the
"And I beheld when he had opened the
sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great
earthquake; and the sun became black
as sackcloth of hair, and the moon
became as blood;
And the stars of heaven fell unto the

earth, even as a fig tree casteth her
untimely figs, when she is shaken of
a mighty wind.
And the heaven departed as a scroll

when it is rolled together; and every
mountain and island were moved out
of their places.
And the kings of the earth, and the great

men, and the rich men, and the chief
captains, and the mighty men, and every
bondman, and every free man, hid them
selves in the dens and in the rocks of the
And said to the mountains and rocks,

Fall on us, and hide us from the face of
him that sitteth on the throne, and from
the wrath of the Lamb:
For the great day of his wrath is come;

and who shall be able to stand?"
Revelation 6:12-17

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