Since nearly as many people live in the
Twenty-First Century as were in all the
previous centures, the number of the
Tribulation saints could be a hugh fraction
of all that are saved during the New Testa-
ment Age.

They are "a great multitude which no man
could number"!
The palm-bearers do no represent the
Church. The Twenty-Four Elders and
John who are redeemed men, are not
included in this number. (Revelation 7:13)

This multitude (without number) repre-
sents the kindness of God, who during the
Tribulation, extended mercy to all who
will refuse to serve the Antichrist and who
will worship and serve Him.
They are not the highest order of the
redeemed. They are given palms and white
robes, but they are not called the "first
fruits unto God".

They are not given thrones or crowns, like
the Twenty-Four Elders. The Elders were
in heaven before the Tribulation.

These palm-bearer went through the
Tribulation, and many of them gave their
lives as martyrs.

They are not kings and priests, but servants,
"before the throne of God", and serve Him
day and night "in His temple". In the Fifth
Seal, they are called "fellowservants" with
those yet to be martyred.
These are not the 144,000 Israelites who
have been sealed to be protected from the
plagues on earth.

They are a great "multitude whom no man
can number".
They are evidently the same group of saints
seen under the altar, who cry to God just
before He sends His wrath upon the earth.

"And they cried with a loud voice, saying,
How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou
not judge and avenge our blood on them
that dwell on the earth?"
Revelation 6:10
Jesus speaks of the Tribulation saints as
His elect. "They shall gather together His

They are gathered together at the end of
the Tribulation, just before God's wrath is
poured out.

In Luke 18:7-8 He refers to His elect at
His coming.
"And shall not God avenge his own elect,

which cry day and night unto him, though
he bear long with them?
I tell you that he will avenge them speedily.

Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh,
shall he find faith on the earth?"
In Matthew 24:29-31
"Immediately after the tribulation of those

days shall the sun be darkened, and the
moon shall not give her light, and the stars
shall fall from heaven, and the powers of
the heavens shall be shaken:
And then shall appear the sign of the Son

of man in heaven: and then shall all the
tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall
see the Son of man coming in the clouds

of heaven with power and great glory.
And he shall send his angels with a great

sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather
together his elect from the four winds,
from one end of heaven to the other."

Jesus speaks of the Great Tribulation
closing, and that He comes in the clouds
of heaven and sends His angels to gather
the elect who are the Tribulation saints.
These saints had been told that they would
"rest yet for a little season until their fellow-
servants also and their brethren, that should
be killed as they were, should be fulfilled".
Revelation 6:11

The time is now fulfilled. When the Sixth
Seal is opened, the day of God's wrath begins.

Before judgment begins to fall, the Tribula-
tion saints are either raptured if they are still
alive, or resurrected, if they were martyred.
Read Revelation 7:9-17

Verse 14 "These are they that have come
out of great tribulation, and they have
washed their robes and made them white
in the blood of the Lamb."

Since they are Tribulation saints, they
include the ones under the Fifth Seal
that had been martyred during the Trib-
ulation, but now they have been

It would appear that the tribes of Dan and
Ephraim may pass through the Day of the
Lord, unprotected by the sealing.

This mistake will not affect the tribes during
the Millennium. They will occupy their
territory at that time as spoken by Exekiel.
(Exekiel 48:1,5)
"Lest there should be among you man, or
woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart
turneth away this day from the LORD
our God, to go and serve the gods of these
nations;. . . . . and all the curses that are
written in this book shall lie upon him,
and the LORD shall blot out his name
from under heaven."
Deuteronomy 29:18-20

That is exactly what the tribes of Ephraim
and Dan were guilty of when they let
Jeroboam set up golden calves in Bethel
and at Dan.
When Peter speaks of the pouring out of
the Spirit of God upon Israel "And on my
servants and handmaidens, I will pour
out my spirit, and they shall prophecy"

He also speaks of the Great and Notable
Day of the Lord, the very time of the seal-
ing of the 144,000! "The sun shall be

turned to
and the


before the great and notable day
of the Lord come." Acts 2:20, also see
Ezekiel 37:14
The seal of God may include the pouring
out of the Spirit of God upon Israel. Christ
received the baptism of the Spirit (Matthew
3:16), and "him hath the Father sealed".
John 6:27

The saints of the New Testament period
are sealed by the Holy Spirit. "After that
ye believed ye were sealed with the Holy
Spirit of promise." Ephesians 1:13
The Rapture will take out the Firstfruits.

Then the Tribulation Harvest is also gone.

Finally the "servants of God", among the
children of Israel are sealed by God to
protect them from His wrath, which will
soon be poured out.

God's children might suffer from the devil's
wrath but not one will suffer from God's.
"For God hath not appointed us to wrath,
but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus
Christ," 1 Thessalonians 5:9
God's judgments do not fall until all the
righteous have either been sealed against
the judgments or have been taken away.
God has His mark which protects those
who are loyal to Him.

There has always been a godly remnant
in Israel who sigh against the evil, and
who look for the Coming of the Deliverer.

It will be the
godly Israelites
who wll receive
this mark of
The Antichrist will imitate God and mark
his followers Revelation 13:16-17 :
"And he causeth all, both small and great,

rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a
mark in their right hand, or in their
And that no man

might buy or sell,
he that had the
mark, or the
name of the
or the number of his name."

It is a mark of doom!
This sealing is identifiable by a mark on
the Israelites foreheads.

It is not certain if this mark can be seen by
human beings. Possibly by each other who
are sealed. For sure, it will be visible to the
angels who have the Trumpet Judgments.
It will be visible to the locust demons.

From Revelation 22:4 it looks as if all of
God's servants will have His Name on their
foreheads: "And they shall see his face; and
his name shall be in their foreheads."
click on this picture to enlarge
God's seal is to preserve the Israelites
during the time of the judgments which
are about to come on the world.

Like when the judgment of the Fifth
Trumpet falls, it does not affect them
because they have been sealed by God.
Bless are they. . . .

The Church has a responsibility to win these
Jews to Jesus. Jews accept the message of
the Messiah rather than the Church message.

By accepting the one and not the other, they
separate themselves from the Church, so
they don't qualify as members of the rapture

Jews who accept the Church message, become
part of the Church.
So far as we know, these two divisions of
Israel have never been reunited.

We are told that the reuniting of Israel and
Judah will take place at the time of the final
events of the age. (Ezekiel 37:15-28)

The whole matter is involved in some myst-
ery which will be fully revealed when the time

At the moment, the Jews in the land of Israel
can be said to represent Israel, but they are
not all of Israel.
The genealogies of those that returned are
shown to be the tribes of Judah and Ben-
jamin, who made up the two-tribed kingdom.

From this captivity the ten tribes have never
been returned to Palestine. Some individuals
out of the ten tribes have but not a national
Some claim that the Jews represent all
that is left of Israel.

The Scriptures show that the Northern
tribes of Israel, which were a separate
kingdom, were taken into captivity a
century earlier than the Jews, and into
another land, the nation of Assyria.

When Judah came back home after the
Seventy Years' Captivity in Babylong,
these ten lost tribes never did return.
Paul in the same passage is just as emphatic
that the time will come when blindness will
be taken away from the Jews, and they will
see that there is no other possible interpre-
ation of Paul's word.

The Jews were cast away, but they are to be
received again as "life from the dead".
At this time, the Jews have been rejected
and broken of from the good olive tree,
and the Gentiles have been grafted in
(Romans 11:15-26).

The sad history of the Jews during this time
shows the terrible truth that they have
rejected Christ, and have been cast away.

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