Under the Second Trumpet, a fiery met-
eorite will come to the earth and will
plunge into the

It wouldn't take a very large object
traveling at a terrific speed to cause a
catastrophe so great that it would kill
0ne-third of the the

This event ,
no doubt,
is referred to
by Jesus when He said in
Luke 21:25 as "Signs
in the stars. . . . . . .
the sea and the waves
roaring; men's hearts
failing them for fear."
Great tidal waves will
travel great distances
to cause destruction
over thousand of miles.
In October, 1937 astronomers saw a whirl-
ing fragment about a mile or two around
traveling through space coming close to
earth, but changed directions many miles

There is a precedent for earth to be at risk
by such an object from space.
[Some say 5,000 years ago] A meteorite
crashed near Winslow, Arizona. It left an
immense crater of almost a mile across,
made by the fall and is still there today.
[I, myself, have been there and have seen it, just a
few years ago in the 1990's]

Because of the speed and the tremendous
force, it buried itself hundreds of feet into
the earth forming the crater.

It is believed that it could have wiped out
life over a large part of North America.

If it happened 5,000 years ago, scientists
estimate that it happened about the time
of the Flood.

John sees
a burning
falling into
the sea.

It wasn't an earthly mountain because it
came from outer space.

The description seems to say that it is a
large flaming meteorite falling to earth,
something that has actually happened in
the past.
" And the second angel
sounded, and as it were
a great mountain
burning with fire was
cast into the sea: and
the third part of the sea
became blood;

And the third part of the creatures which
were in the sea, and had life, died; and t
he third part of the ships were destroyed."
Revelation 8:8-9

Since the judgments in Egypt were literal,
there is no reason why the Trumpet Judg-
ments are not literal.

The First Trumpet Judgment includes a
grievous plague of hail and fire which
results in one-third of the trees and green
grass being distroyed.

There is a remarkable similarity between
the First Trumpet Judgment and one of
the Egyptian Plagues.

The difference is that the one in Moses'
day, affected only Egypt, none of it affected
the Israelites.
These judgments are literal and not every
one is prepared to accept that.

They are similar to many of the judgments
that came upon Egypt from God through
Notice this about the Trumpet Judgments.

There is a gradual rising of intensity with
each one.

The judgments affect one-third of the world.
"third" is used 12 times, and it's a number
that is given to divine government.

The last three judgments exceed the first
four in severity and they are called 'the
three woes'.

"The first angel
sounded, and
there followed hail
and fire mingled
with blood, and
they were cast
upon the earth;
and the third part
of trees was burnt up,
and all green grass was burnt up."
Revelation 8:7
See the importance of the prayers of God's
people, in the bringing of the kingdom of

With the offering of the incense and the
prayers of the saints, God answers with
"voices, and thunderings, and lightnings,
and an earthquake."

The judgments of God are about to begin,
and the Trumpet Angels prepare to sound.

There are some who do not think this angel
is Jesus Christ, since He is now seen as judge
rather than High Priest.

There is strong evidence that the angel is
Christ, and if not, he certainly represents
Him, in His High Priest office and also His
office as Judge.
This offering to God of the prayers of the
saints, would be in connection with Jesus'
office of Mediator (Hebrews 5:5-7).

In Revelation 5:9, Four and Twenty Elders
held the vials of the prayers of the saints,
as they knelt before Jesus.

These prayers of the saints are for God's
Kingdom to come, as Jesus taught them
to pray. As Christ is now about to take
over the kingdoms of this world, it would
be appropriate that He should be the one
that would offer the prayers, as Mediator.
The angel casts fire into the earth; "and
what will I, if it be already kindled? . . . .
Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on
earth? I tell you nay, but rather division."
Luke 12:49, 51

This angel offers the prayers of the saints
and renders them acceptable unto God, the
memorial service. All prayers made to God
must be in Jesus' name; so it appears that
the angel is the Jehovah-angel of the Old

We are told that an angel stands at the
altar with a golden censer, and receives
the incense to offer with the prayers of
the saints unto God.

Some believe that the angel is none other
than Christ. Since the censer of gold in an
item belonging to the Holy of Holies, to
be used only by the High Priest that is
passed into the heavens, who is Jesus the
Son of God.

The angels of God have different ranks.

Some are ordinary angels, spoken of as
"sons of God" appear before the Lord only
at appointed times.

Some angels "always behold the face of the
heavenly Father". Gabriel the archangel
is one. When he spoke to Zacharias, he
said, "I am Gabriel that stand in the
presence of God."

In heaven, everyone has their appointed
positions. Because of the importance of
the Trumpet Judgments of the Day of the
Lord, the Seven Angels which stand in the
presence of the God, sound the trumpets.

When the Angels of the Seven Trumpets
have sounded, "cities of the nations fall"
and the kingdoms of this world become
the kingdoms of the Lord Jesus Christ.

"And the seventh angel sounded; and there
were great voices in heaven, saying, The
kingdoms of this world are become the
kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ;
and he shall reign for ever and ever."
Revelation 11:15

The silence before the sounding of the
Trumpets undoubtedly represents the
time of the final preparation for the

It's the calm before the storm. . . .


The sounding of these Trumpets set forth
the judgments of the Great Day of the Lord.

There must be a time for judgment to begin,
and the sounding of the Trumpets marks
this time.
This silence is apparently a memorial to
the saints who have lived their lives for
God while on this earth.

Revelation 8:3-6
"And another angel came and stood at the
altar, having a golden censer; and there
was given unto him much incense, that
he should offer it with the prayers of all
saints upon the golden altar which was
before the throne.
And the smoke of the incense, which came

with the prayers of the saints, ascended up
before God out of the angel's hand.
And the angel took the censer, and filled it

with fire of the altar, and cast it into the
earth: and there were voices, and thunder-
ings, and lightnings, and an earthquake.
And the seven angels which had the seven

trumpets prepared themselves to sound."
In heaven there has been a joyous reunion.

The righteous has been resurrected. Never
again will they experience sorrow, sickness,
heartache or death.

There will be the praise and worship to the
Redeemer by the multitude no man can

Then is the solemn moment when the just
judgments of God must be upon the wicked
and rebellious which will cause the silence
in heaven.
It isn't hard to understand why there
should be this silence.

With the breaking of the Seventh Seal,
the great judgments of God are about to
take place, judgments like that of the

It will be a solemn moment when judg-
ment falls on all nations. A judgment
that has been long put off by God's mercy.
"And when he had opened the seventh seal,
there was silence in heaven about the space
of half an hour. And I saw the seven angels

and to

given seven trumpet." Revelation 8:1-2