The Seventh Trumpet is the third and last woe.

..................A woe of judgment upon

......................the inhabitants of the earth.

............"And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!" Revelation 8:13
"The seventh angel sounded" The mystery of God is the revelation that God has given man, by His prophets regarding His plan for mankind.
"Even so come quickly Lord Jesus."

.......He that shall come will come,
.......and will not tarry.

But there is a work to do. Let us arise and do it.
For when the gospel is published in all the world
then shall the end come!
The Elijah saints will be caught away from this world. Today they live in heavenly places in Christ Jesus.

.....................1 Corinthians 15:51
"Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed."

.....................1 Thessalonians 4:15 "For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep.
16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord."
Elijah was so near to God that he lived in both worlds.

....His thoughts were on the unseen world.
....He had little interest in the material world.
....He lived closer to God than to earth.

........Then one day a heavenly chariot came close and took Elijah the rest of the way.
He never died, but was transported straight to heaven.
While Elijah was with the widow when death struck, he never wavered.

.....The two met face to face and death lost.
Elijah stood before Ahab and told him that the heavens wouldn't give rain or dew but by his word.

..........But before he stood before Ahab,
..........he had stood before God.

When Elijah prayed for rain, he had prayed seven time, but he wasn't discouraged, he knew that the answer would come.
.....................Imagine the battle that was taking place in the spiritual world.

.....In the end it was a terrible defeat for Satan.

The secret of Elijah's ministry was that he lived for only one thing and that was to walk with God and to do His will.

...........................The world didn't interest him.

....................He lived in a spiritual realm where he could always commune with God, a realm where all things were possible.
We are in the days of full Gospel. God is about to demand that men preach the whole Gospel or none.

.....Only a miraculous ministry will be able to stand against the forces of hell that are soon to be let loose.

...In the days of Elijah he turned his nation back to the faith of his fathers. There must be a ministry today that could do the same thing.
If our nation is to be turned back to God, it will have to be through an Elijah ministry.

..........Only through a supernatural ministry will the careless and wicked of today be stopped in their evil ways.

................Thank God for all who preach Christ and salvation through His name! BUT a message that leaves out over half of the Great Commission is not enough for our times.
We are living in a Christian dispensation [era or age].

God's messengers will come in love, pleading with people to give up their sins and turn to the God of the Bible.

But they will minister in judgment too, just like in the early Church. Read of what happened to Ananias and Sapphira and a sorcerer in the Book of Acts.
These ministries will expose all that is false.

..*They will not bow to the Beast
..*They will not compromise
..*They will be anointed of God and bold in faith
..*They will overthrow evil

...........Men of today, through the ministry of the supernatural, will challenge the false isms and cults.
Not by might nor by power, but by the Sword of the Spirit.
These ministries will be of boldness. Elijah didn't fear to stand before kings. All men were the same in his sight.

.........They didn't want to be in favor
.........with the princes of the world.

When kings saw their power they regarded them with respect.
.............They were the leaders.
.............They didn't compromise.
.............They stood against all unrighteousness.

Those that came against them, did it to their own regret. Usually it was too late when they found that such men were not to be trifled with. They had a work to do and they were not going to be moved away from it.
A supernatural ministry is one that brings deliverance to those that are in need.

..........The whole life of Elijah was marked by the ministry of the supernatural. Sometimes his and other prophets ministries brought judgment on the wicked.

.................At others time they led armies to victory by supernatural wisdom and knowledge. They called fire down from heaven. They healed bitter waters and made them sweet.

No circumstances came up against them that they couldn't master. The elements were compelled to obey them. Waters parted when they spoke. They were miraculous ministries.

..........Those kinds of ministries are re-appearing even now.
There were times when Elijah apparently experienced supernatural transportation. Perhaps the Elijah saints may have the same experience.

..........Such experiences we incidental to their ministry, rather than a part of it. God can and may let men have similar experiences.

......These things were never for show. The devil would have had Jesus cast himself off the Temple to prove he was God, but he rejected.

...............Ordinarily Jesus and Elijah moved from place to place as other human beings.
2 Kings 2:7-12
And it came to pass, as they [Elijah and Elisha] still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them both asunder; and Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven. [verse 2:11]
1 Kings 18:19-40 Elijah defeats the prophets of Baal.
Elijah raises the widow's son to life.
1 Kings 17:17 - 17:24
He was perserved alive at the home of a widow
had only
flour and
oil for one
last meal.

The flour and the oil multiplied miraculously.
The Widow of Zarephath. 1 Kings 17: 8-24.
Those who come in the spirit of Elijah, will believe in the supernatural.

............Elijah's ministry was miraculous.

.....He was fed supernaturally by ravens in the desert which God sent to take care of him.

Elijah Fed by Ravens 1st Kings 12:16 to 1st Kings 17
Elijah lived the simple life. He didn't want to get entangled with the affairs of life.

.......The passion of his life was to live in
..............communion with God, hear His voice, and be jealous for God's honor

.......and His Kingdom.

Men who will conquer the world for God will be of simple habits and simple tastes.
God will raise up men whose faith will go forth in the spirit of Elijah to declare the supernatural ministry in the last days and He is doing it now.

...............God is getting people ready in this
generation, who will be prepared for His coming.
In heaven, the Twenty-four Elders acknowledge in
.....their worship and thank God that He has taken
..........back His great power and now reigns.
The Great Tribulation, the time the Antichrist ruled over the nations, is over.

..........For months the judgments of God
..........have been poured out on the earth.

..........The Antichrist is still alive,
..........but his power has diminished

Terrible judgments are being poured out on the earth, and the worst is yet to come.

.........................Although the Antichrist got a small triumph in murdering the Two Witnesses, their ascension completely humiliated him. It proved that God does reign and He's reigning in judgment.
At the end of the Sixth Trumpet, the Two Witnesses ascend into heaven. The Sixth Trumpet doesn't start the beginning of their testimony, but does mark the end of it.

...................Their witness lasted three and one-half years called the period of the Great Tribulation.

..........Then sounds the Seventh and last Trumpet.
The hypnotic charm of the Antichrist is broken.

...........But the chances of repentance for his demon-possessed followers has past.
the antichrist
Those who believed in the Witnesses' testimony but frightened by their deaths, now gets new courage and gives glory to God.

..........Others are frightened into giving
..........acknowledgement of God's power.

..........The Messiah's resurrection is no longer a

..........Everyone has seen what happened to the Two Witnesses and know it is true.
The Two Witnesses resurrection and ascension will be a stunning surprise to the world.

A great earthquake kills 7,000 people.

..............................When Elijah was on earth the first time, there were 7,000 people who refused to worship Baal. (1 Kings 19:18) Now, as the Two Witnesses ascend to heaven, 7,000 of worshippers of the Beast are killed in the earthquake that shakes the city of Jerusalem.
Three days later to the amazement of the Antichrist

and his followers,

the Two Witnesses

are resurrected by

the Spirit of God,

and ascend up to
