The birth of the Manchild takes place just before the Great Tribulation, since the ten horns of the Dragon are not crowned yet.

Another fact is
that when the
Manchild is
caught up into
Satan is cast
out of heaven.

..........This results in a great wrath coming on the inhabitants of the earth because the devil "knoweth that he hath but a short time." That's why it's called the Great Tribulation.

The Sun-clothed Woman is the New Testament Church .

That she represents
the Church of all ages
in her long fight with
Satan, is shown that
the Great Red Dragon,
with seven crowns on
his seven heads,
indicating the whole
period of history.

Things indicate that both Israel and the Church are involved with the Sun-clothed Woman.

.....................It looks like She had her beginning in the prophecy given in the Garden of Eden when God said that there would be enmity between Satan and the Woman and her seed.

............................Genesis 3:15
"And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel."

After the Manchild [believed to be the church, not Christ only] is caught up [raptured], the Woman flees into the wilderness. Then the Dragon goes to make war with "the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and the testimonies of Jesus Christ." Revelation 12:17

........................................"remnant of her seed" suggests that a large number of her seed have already been removed, not just one person, which it would be, if this referred only to Christ.

...............The fact is that the Manchild is a group of people. When they are raptured to heaven, a remnant of her seed is left [a few are remaining]. The ascension of Christ isn't the main fulfillment of the Rapture of the Manchild.
After Jesus went to heaven, the Church Age had to be fulfilled, and that time has been long.

...............When the prophecies of Revelation 12 begin to be fulfilled and the devil and his angels are cast out of the heavenlies, it will be just a short time until Satan is chained and the Millennium [1000 year reign of Christ] begins.
Even though the Sun-clothed Woman includes spiritual Israel, she represents more than Israel.

.................Israel is an earthly people. This Woman is a heavenly sign, which fits the Church rather than Israel.

........................It is the Church that sits in heavenly places with Christ Jesus [Ephesians 2:6].
The Sun-clothed Woman abviously doesn't represent the unbelieving Jews.

....................Her seed are those "which keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ."

....................Revelation 12:17
And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Jesus, in his letter to the Church in Smyrna [Revelation 2:9], said that those who claimed to be Jews merely on their nationality, were blasphemers and of "the synagogue of Satan."
Paul clearly says that a Jew is not a Jew because he is one outwardly.

..........Romans 2:28-29
For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.

To the unbelieving Jews that were Abraham's seed after the flesh, Jesus said

..........John 8:37
I know that ye are Abraham's seed; but ye seek to kill me, because my word hath no place in you.

He didn't recognize them as the spiritual seed of Abraham.

..........John 8:39
If ye were Abraham's children, ye would do the works of Abraham. 44 Ye are of your father the devil,

They were the seed of the Dragon rather than the seed of the Woman.

Some think the Sun-clothed Woman represents the nation of Israel.

............Israel and Christ are represented in the imagery of the Woman and the Manchild.

.........But it is important to know that it's spiritual Israel, not natural Israel.

......The Jewish nation which rejected Christ and put him to death would be ridiculous as a symbol of this Woman. They would be more likely represented as a followers of the Dragon.
The Manchild was "to rule all nations with a rod of iron."

.....This is also spoken of Christ Jesus in Psalm 2:8-9
The Manchild was caught up to heaven, like Christ ascended to heaven.

...........When He is in heaven, Satan is cast out.

....................There was a certain casting out of Satan at the time of Christ's resurrection and ascension.

Jesus pic
Israel is represented as travailing in birth to bring forth a Manchild [Isaiah 66:6-8] and she did in the fulness of time.

..........Galatians 4:4
"But when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth this Son, made of a woman, made under the law."

The Woman is "clothed with the sun."

...............Christ is promised as coming to Israel as the " Sun of righteousness arise with healing in his wings;...." Malachi last book of the Old Testament, the last chapter verse 2

There are a number of circumstances that support Israel is the Sun-clothed Woman.

...............*The image of the Woman and the Manchild speaks of Israel and Christ.

...............*The 'sun', 'moon', and 'stars' was a foretelling of future events of Israel.

...............*The 'twelve stars' of the Woman's crown answer to the twelve Sons of Israel [Jacob's sons].

In bruising the heel of the Woman's seed, Satan can only accomplish his purpose through humans. Like he did through Adam and Eve; and Cain and Abel etc.

.............................There was conflict between Satan and the Woman and her seed down through the ages, which reached a great point at the beginning of the New Testament Age.

................At that time Israel gave birth to the Manchild Christ and Satan making desperate attempts to destroy Him.

Read Galatians 4:4
This symbolism represents the whole period of world history.

...............The Woman's and Satan's existence began in the prophecy given in the Garden of Eden by the Lord, when He cursed the Serpent and put enmity between him and the Woman.

Read Genesis 3:15

This imagery portrays the Woman and Satan as natural enemies during the past ages.

...............The moment is marked by the Woman travailing in the birth of the Manchild.

.........................This occurs just before the Great Tribulation, since the Ten Horns, which have power only when the Antichrist reigns.
To identify a person in prophecy, we have to know the time in history that the person appears.

...........................................In this symbolism, the Dragon [Satan] stands over against the Woman, as her enemy.

The seven heads are the seven world empires of history. ..........They are all crowned.
There is an outstanding clue that we can identify the Sun-clothed Woman.

She faces a Dragon who has seven heads and ten horns.

Most scholars think that these seven heads of the Dragon represent seven empires that rise in the world. Revelation 17:10

These were Egypt, Assyria, Babylong, Media-Persia, Greese and Rome.

The seventh is the empire of the Antichrist.

The ten horns are the ten kings who receive power with him during the Great Tribulation.

Who is the woman clothed with the sun
and with the moon under her feet?

There are two

One the Woman
represents Israel.

The other is that
she is the church.

A few think she is
the Virgin Mary.

But we are plainly
told that the
Woman is a
"SIGN" so she can not be identified as a
literal woman.
Read Revelation 12:1-4
The Book of Revelation is divided into two distinct parts.

..........1) Chapters 1-11 are the prophetic message
..............[story] through to the end.
..........2) Chapters 12-22 go through the story again,
..............this time with more details.

These two outlines compose the whole plan of the ages that were revealed by the Old Testament prophets.
The same thing in the Book of Daniel, the book which corresponds to Revelation, in the Old Testament.

...............The second chapter of Daniel tells of Nebuchadnezzar's dream of the Great Image. It tells of the rise of our four successive world empires.

...............In the seventh chapter of Daniel, there is a prophecy showing the same thing, only different symbols are used and more details are given.
We understand then that the beginning of the twelfth chapter of the Book of Revelation covers the whole ground again as it did in the first eleven chapters.

............God gave a double witness!
The ten horns which represent the ten kings which appear at the end, and who give their power to the Antichrist, have no crowns.

............The Tribulation has not yet begun.

In Chapter 13 of Revelation, when the Antichrist reigns, we see that the ten horns have crowns.
The Dragon, which is the devil, has seven heads [kingdoms], and these are crowned.

This shows that the Woman and the Dragon pertains to "the times of the Gentiles".
The Trumpet judgments are God's wrath.

They occur after the darkening of the sun and the moon.......
Revelation 6:12-17

Prophecy definitely places this disturbance after the Great Tribulation and just before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. Read Acts 2:20

The Day of the Lord with the Trumpet Judgments is after the tribulation not before.

Some teach that the rise of the Antichrist and the Great Tribulation take place after the Trumpet Judgments.

But this is impossible:
the Beast killed the two witnesses during the Sixth Trumpet before the Seventh Trumpet and was thrown into the Bottomless Pit.
How can he come into view after the Seventh Trumpet?
The Seventh Trumpet ends the first chronological outline of the Book of Revelation, and the 12th chapter begins a new one.