New Year's Eve 2012
John 16:33

As the Laodicean Period closes the Church Age, the Church disappears at the end of Chapter Three, and Israel comes into view again.
In Paul's parable of the Two Olive Trees in
Romans 11:15-27,
he shows how the natural branches of the Good Olive Tree, [Israel] were broken off because of unbelief,
that the Wild Olive Tree of the Church might be grafted in, which because of unbelief, would be displaced that the natural branches might be grafted back again,
showing us that the Church does not take the place of Israel permanently, but simply fills up the gap between Israel's casting off and restoration.
These 'Messages to the Churches' teach us the decline of the Church.

              That the professing Church instead of increasing in spiritual and world converting power, will become lukewarm, faithless and Christless.
The character of the Church today is Laodicean.

       As the Laodicean Period is to continue until the Church of the "New-Born" is taken out, we cannot hope for any great change until the Lord comes back.
How is Christ to get back into His Church?

         He said, "If any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with Me."

                        It's the way to revive a lukewarm church for the individuals to open their heart and let Christ come back in .
How did Jesus Christ get outside the Church of Laodicea?

         He had been in it at one time or there never would have been a Church.

How did He come to leave it?

         It's clear that they didn't drive Him out, because they didn't seem to have missed His presence.
         They continued to worship Him,
         To sing praises and engage in a manner of service,
         Why had He withdrawn?
         The reason was because of Worldliness.
The Excluded Christ:
       excluded from His own nation, for they rejected Him;
       excluded from the world, it crucified Him;
       excluded from His Church, He has to stand outside knocking for entrance.
This is the most startling thing recorded in the New Testament.

                 It is possible for a church to look fine outwardly and yet has not Christ and be unconscious of the fact.

         It's a description of the Christless Church.
Behold, I stand at the door and knock are words generally used as an appeal to sinners, but they are not, they are addressed to a Church, and to a Church in which Jesus had once stood, but now is found excluded and standing outside knocking to come inside.
Then the most startling revelation was made to the Church of Laodicea, Christ said, "Behold I stand at the door and knock."
The Church of Laodicea wasn't only poor and blind, it was naked.

          Their outer garments were of the finest material and latest fashion, but not what should be worn by a Child of God.

                  So they were counseled to purchase of Christ white raiments in exchange for the garments the makers of Laodicea were famous for.
The Church of Laodicea was not only poor, though rich, it was blind.

          They could see their worldly prosperity, but were short-sighted as to heavenly things, so the Lord counseled them to anoint their eyes with eye-salve.

                 They possessed no salve that would restore impaired spiritual vision, only the Holy Spirit could do that.
The trouble with the Church of Laodicea
was that its "Gold" was not the right kind, and so it was counseled to buy of the Lord "gold tried in the fire."

          That is gold that hasn't been tainted.
The Church at Laodicea was not burdend with debt,
       But it was burdened with wealth.
"Because thou sayest I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked."

                 They thought they were rich, and outwardly they were, but Christ saw the poverty of their heart.

                        There are many such churches in the world today.  More so than in any other period in church history.
Revival meetings are held in our churches, but instead of waiting on the Lord for power, evangelists and paid singers are hired and soul winning is made a business.

            The cause of this 'lukewarmness' is the same as that of the Church of Laodecea - Self Deception.
Many believe that our churches today are in this 'lukewarm' condition; that there is very little warm-hearted spirituality.

                 There is much going on in them, but it is largely mechanical and of a social nature.
There is nothing more disgusting or nauseating than a "tepid" drink.

              So there is nothing more repulsive to Christ than a "tepid" church.

                         He would rather have a church 'frozen' or 'boiling.'!
Christ has no 'commendation' for the Church of Laodicea

But He had much to complain about. He says, "I know thy works, that thou art neither cold or hot; I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then, because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth."
The Promise to the Church of Laodicea

       Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear My voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
         To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Father in His throne.
              He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.
The Chastening of the Church of Laodicea

       As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.
The counsel to the Church of Laodicea

       I counsel thee to buy of Me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.
The complaint to the Church of Laodicea

       I know thy works, that thou art neither hot nor cold: I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Because thou sayest, I am rich and increased with goods, and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou are wretched and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked.
The Church at Laodicea
       A Lukewarm Church

And unto the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans write: These things saith the Amen, the Faithful and True Witness, the beginning of the creation of God.
The promise is that the Philadelphia Church shall not pass through the Tribulation.

                         Is this not more proof that the Church shall be 'caught out' before the Tribulation?
The Church of Philadelphia
        was to be kept from the Hour of Temptation

Tribulation, that shall come upon all the world, and as there has never as yet been a worldwide Tribulation, this Hour of Tribulation must still be future and refers doubtless to the Great Tribulation that is to come upon the whole world, just before the return of the Lord to set up His Millennial Kingdom.
The Church of Philadelphia
       had set before it an 'open door'

            A door no man could shut.
This promise was made by Him, who  hath the Key of David, He that openeth and no man shutteth; and shutteth and no man openeth.
The Church of Philadelphia had a "little strength."

                        It was like a person coming back to life who was still very weak. It was the 'dead' Sardis Church revived. And revivals have been characteristic of the Philadelphia Period.
There is no question about the meaning of the word Philadelphia.

                   It means 'Brotherly Love," and describes the charity and brotherly fellowship that consumed the personal animosities that characterized those of the Sardis Period and made possible the evangelistic and missionary works of the last century or more.
The Promise to the Church of Philadelphia

Behold, I will make them of the Synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.
Because thou hast kept the word of My Patience, I also will keep thee from the Hour of Tribulation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth.
Behold, I come quickly, hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the Temple of My God, and the name of the City of My God, which is New Jerusalem,which cometh down out of Heaven from My God: and I will write upon him My New Name.
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.
The Commendation to the Church of Philadelphia
I know thy works: behold I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept My word, and hast not denied My name.
The Church at Philadelphia
        A Favored Church

And to the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia write: These things saith He that is Holy, He that is True, He that hath the Key of David, He that openeth; and no man shutteth; and shutteth and no man openeth.
While the reformers did away with much ritual and doctrinal rubbish, they didn't recover the promise of Jesus' Second Coming.

                      They turned to God from idols but not to wait for His Son from Heaven.
The Reformation began with Martin Luther's Theses, but it was more of a struggle for political liberty than a Christian or religious movement.

                  It had the advantage of circulating the Bibles that had been a sealed book, and a revival of the Doctrine of 'justification by faith' and a reversion to more simple ways of worship.
The conditions during the Papal Church became intolerable and came to a crisis when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on the church door at Wittenberg, Germany on October 31, 1517.
The meaning of the word "Sardis" is the escaping one, or those who came out and so it is an excellent type of the Church of the Reformation Period.

                     That's the period in history of the Christian Church when Marin Luther and a number of other reformers protested against the false teaching, tyranny and claims of the Papal Church.
The Church at Sardis
       was called a 'Dead Church' though it had a name to live.

       It was a formalistic church, a church given over to formal or ritualistic worship.

           It had the form or godliness without the power.
The Promise to the Church of Sardis

Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white: for they are worthy. He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name of the Book of Life, but I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.
The Warning to the Church of Sardis

If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.
The Counsel to the Church of Sardis

Be watchfull and strengthen the things which remain, that are ready to die: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.
Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent.
The  Condemnation of the Church at Sardis

I know thy works, that thou hast aname that thou livest and art dead.
The Church at Sardis
      A Dead Church      Rev. 3:1-6

And unto the Angel of the Church in Sardis write:
these things saith He that hath the Seven Spirits of God, and the Seven Stars.
When the 'Papal Church' introduces images and pictures into its churches for the people to bow down to it became idolatrous.

               And when it set up its claim that the teaching of the Church is superior to the Word of God, it assumed the role of Prophetess.
There is no question that Jezebel was a real person.

              She represents a 'System' and that system was the 'Papal Church'.
The marriage of Jezebel's daughter, introduced idolatrous worship into Judah and it wasn't long before there was a house of Baal built in Jerusalem; so Jezebel caused all Israel to sin.
Jezebel's influence wasn't only while her husband, Ahab, was alive, but also during the reign of her two sons, Ahaziah and Jehoram.
Ahab, king of Israel, to strengthen his kingdom, married Jezebel and she was aided by Ahab introducing the worship of Baal into Israel and killed all the prophets of the Lord that she could get her hands on.
Jezebel, the wife of Ahab, was not a daughter of Abraham by birth, but a princes of idolatrous Tyre, at a time when its royal family was famed for savagery and devotion to Baal and Astarte.
Jezebel was a pretender and called herself a prophetess.

       Probably she was of a noble line, she was a woman of commanding influence.

             Whether her real name was Jezebel or not, she was so like her type in the Old Testament, the wife of Ahab, that Christ called her by that name.
In His commendation of the Church of Thyatira, Christ lays the emphasis on their 'works', as if they depended on them and claimed they deserved merit.

But He had a complaint to make against them that was terrible. He charges them not only with permitting a bad woman, Jezebel, who called herself a Prophetess, to remain in the Church, but with permitting her to teach her doctrines and to seduce the servants to commit fornication and to eat thing sacrificed to idols.
The Promise to the Church of Thyatira

But unto you I say, and unto the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine and which have not known the depths of Satan, as they speak; I will put upon you none other burden.
But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shiver: even as I receive of My Father.
And I will give him a Morning Star. He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches.
The Complaint to the Church of Thyatira

Notwithstanding I have a few things against thee, because thou sufferest that woman Jezebel, which calleth herself a Prophetess, to teach and to seduce my servants to commit fornication and to eat things sacrificed unto idols.
And I gave her space to repent of her fornication: and she repented not. Behold I will cast her into a bed and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.
And I will kill her children with death; and all the churches shall know that I am He which searcheth the reins and hearts: and I will give unto every one of you according to your works."
The Commendation to the Church of Thyatira.

I know thy works and charity and service and faith and thy patience and thy works; and the last to be more than the first.
The Church at Thyatira.
       A Lax Church       Rev. 2:18-29

And unto the Angel of the Church in Thyatira write: These things saith the Son of God, who hath His eyes like unto a flame of fire and His feet are like fine brass.
Post-Millennial View came into the Church as it became rich and powerful. It was suggested that by joining the Church and the State a condition of affairs would develop that would bring in the Millennium without the return of Jesus Christ.

                   Since some scriptural support was needed for this doctrine, it was claimed that the Jews had been cast off forever and that all the prophecies of Israel's future glory were meant for the Church. 
A sensuous form of worship was introduced,
  the character of the preaching was changed,
    and the great 'Pagan Festivals' were adopted,
      to please the Pagan members of the church and
        attract Pagans to the church.
When the men of Israel went to those feasts and saw the daughters of Moab, they committed whoredom with them, which angered God and He sent a plague that destroyed 42,000 of them.

              The word Pergamos means marriage.
And when the Church entered into a union with the State it was guilty of spiritual fornication.
The Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes was supremacy of the Clergy over the Laity.

The Doctrine of Balaam invited Israel into licentious feasts causing them to fall into a snare that angered the Lord that He would destroy them.
Constantine's motive was more political than it was religious.

                     He wished to join his Christean and Pagan subjects into one people, and consolidate his Empire.

       The result was that two false doctrines crept into the Church;         
           the Doctrine of Balaam and
           the Doctrine of the Nicolaitanes.
In the Message to Pergamos

It is spoken of as "Satan's Seat." Satan through Constantine united the Church and the State and offered all kinds of ways for worldly people to come into the Church.
The Promise to the Church of Pergamos

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna and will give him a white stone and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
The Warning to the Church of Pergamos

Repent or else I will come unto thee quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth.
The Complaint to the Church of Pergamos

But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the Doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to cast a stumbling block before the Children of Esrael, to eat things sacrificed unto idols and to commit fornication.
So hast thou also them that hold the Doctrines of the Nicolaitianes, which thing I hate.
The Commendation to the Church of Pergamos

I know thy works and where thou dwellest, even where Satan's Seat is: and thou holdest fast My name and hast not denied My Faith, even in those days wherein Antipas was My faithful martyr, who was slain among you, where Satan dwelleth.
The Church at  Pergamos
       A Licentious Church.   Rev. 2:12-17

And to the Angel of the Church in Pergamos write: These things saith He which hath the Sharp Sword with two edges.
Seven of the 'Great Persecutions' occurred during the 'Smyrna Period' of  Church History.
The Smyrna Christians were told that the author of their suffering would be the Devil and it would last 'ten days' which was a prophetic reference to the "Ten Great Persecutions" under the Roman Emperors.
The Smyrna Christians weren't to recant if they were called on to face a Martyr's death, but remain faithful until death relieved them of their suffering.

        The reward would be a "Crown of Life".
        This is the Martyr's crown.
The Smyrna Christians were told not to "fear" the things that they should be called to suffer, but to be faithful 'unto' death, not 'until' death.

That is, not until the end of their natural lives.
The meaning of Smyrna at its root is 'bitterness' and means 'Myrrh' an ointment associated with death and in this meaning of the word a prophecy of the persecution and death which was to befall the members of the Smyrna Church.
The Church in its "Ephesian Period" having lost its "First Love", the Lord is now about to  chastise it, so as to cause it to return to Him.
The Promise to the Church of Smyrna.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the Churches: He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the Second Death.
The Exhortation To The Church of Smyrna

Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer:
behold the Devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a crown of life.
The Persecution of the Church of Smyrna.

I know thy works and tribulation and poverty, (but thou art rich), and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are of the 'Synagogue of Satan'.
         Persecuted church.    Rev. 2:8-11

And unto the Angel of the Church in Smyrna write; These things saith the First and the Last, who was dead and is alive.

The Church of Ephesus wasn't deceived, but recognized them [the Nicolaitane] as false apostles and liars.

                   The character of this church is a fair description of the Church Period from A.D. 70 to A.D. 170.
The Nicolaitanes were not a sect, but a party in the Church who were trying to establish a Priestly Order.

                 Probably trying to model the church after the Old Testament of Priests and common people. Their object was to establish a holy order of men and place them over the common people.
The importance of the warning to the
               Church of Ephesus
is seen in the approval of the message, in verse 6 "But this thou hast, that thou 'hatest' the deeds of the Nicolaitanes which I also hate."
The complaint that Christ makes against the Church of Ephesus is that it had left its first love.

           It had become a backslidden Church.

        He that hath an ear, let him hear what the spirit saith unto the churches: to him that overcometh will I give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God

         Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
         A Backslidden Church.    Rev. 1-7

I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: and thou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars: And hast borne, and hast patience, and for my name's sake hast laboured, and hast not fainted.
       The "Salutation" to each church contains a reference to some characteristic of the Son of Man that's described in chapter one.
The messages to the Seven Churches compare with church history.
            That which is a distinctive characteristic of each Church Period, doesn't disappear with that Period, but continues on down through the next Period and so on until the end, increasing the imperfections of the visible Church, until it ends in an open Apostasy.
At the close of the First Century the leaven of False Doctrine was working in the Churches.

                       The churches are given in order because of the peculiar characteristics of that church applied to the period of church history to which it is assigned.
While the character of these Seven Churches is descriptive of the Church periods of her history, we must not forget that the condition of those churches were their exact condition in John's day.
If it had been clearly revealed that the Seven Churches stood for "Seven Church Periods" that would have to elaspe before Christ could come back, the incentive to watch would have been absent.
This interpretation of the "Messages to the Seven Churches" was hidden to the early Church, because time was required for Church History to develop and be written, so a comparison could be made.
The Church disappears from earth at the close of chapter three of Revelation;
appears in heaven in chapter four
and reappears with the Lord in chapter nineteen.
Chapter Four is a vision of the "Glorified Church" with the Lord, after it has been caught out [Raptured].
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

The Messages to the Seven Churches

The Messages are between two visions,
       The Vision of Christ in the midst of the
       Seven Lampstands in chapter one
       The Vision of the Four and Twenty
       Elders around the Throne in chapter four.
The Final Testimony
And Warnings                 Rev. 22:6-21
       The First New Thing
              The New Heaven        Rev. 21:1
       The Second New Thing
              The New Earth           Rev. 21:2-8
       The Third New Thing
              The New City             Rev. 21:9-23
       The Fourth New Thing
              The New Nations        Rev. 21:24-27
       The Fifth New Thing
              The New River           Rev. 22:1
       The Sixth New Thing
              The New Tree            Rev. 22:2
       The Seventh New Thing
              The New Throne        Rev. 22:3
The Fifth Doom
       Gog and Magog            Rev. 20:8-9
The Sixth Doom     
       Satan                           Rev. 20:10
The Seventh Doom
       The Wicked Dead         Rev. 20:11-15
The Third Doom
        The Antichrist
               and the False Prophet   Rev. 19:21
The Fourth Doom
        The Antichristian Nations    Rev. 19:21

Between the Fourth and Fifth Dooms
        Satan Bound                        Rev. 20:1-3
        First Resurrection                Rev. 20:4-5
        The Millennium                    Rev. 20:6
        Satan Loosed                       Rev. 20:7
The First Doom
       Ecclesiastical Babylon    Rev. 17:1-18
The Second Doom
       Commercial Babylon      Rev. 18:1-24

Between The Second the Third Dooms
       The Hallelujah Chorus    Rev. 19:1-7
       The Marriage of the Lamb    Rev. 19:8-10
       The Battle of Armagedon      Rev. 19:11-21
Between the Sixth and Seventh Vails
Three Unclean Spirits     Rev. 16:13-16

The Seventh Vial
       Great Hail               Rev. 16:17-21
The First Vial        
       Boils                           Rev. 16:1-2
The Second Vial   
       Blood on the Sea         Rev. 16:3
The Third Vial      
       Blood on the Rivers      Rev.16:4-7
The Fourth Vial    
       Great Heat                   Rev. 16:8-9
The Fifth Vial       
       Darkness                               Rev. 16:10-11
The Sixth Vial      
       Euphrates Dried Up       Rev. 16:12
The Sea of Glass                         Rev. 15:2
The Tabernacle of Testimony       Rev. 15:5-8

INTERVAL Between the "Seven Personages"
and the "Seven Vials"
The Lamb on Mount Zion   .   Rev. 14:1-5
The Three Angel Messenger   Rev. 14:6-7
The Blessed Dead                  Rev. 14:12-13
The Harvest and Vintage        Rev. 14:14-20
The Sun-Clothed Woman.......Rev. 12:1-2
The Dragon.......................Rev. 12:3-4
The Man Child....................Rev. 12:5-6
The Archangel .................. Rev. 12:7-12
The Jewish Remnant ...........Rev. 12:13-17
The Beast out of the Sea ..... Rev.13:1-10
The Beast out of the Earth.... Rev. 13:11-18
First Trumpet
.........Hail,Fire, Blood Rev. 8:7
Second Trumpet
.........Burning Mountain Rev. 8:8-9
Third Trumpet
.........Star Wormwood Rev. 8:10-11
Fourth Trumpet
.........Sun,Moon,Stars Smitten Rev. 8:12
Fifth Trumpet
.........1st Woe Plague of Locusts Rev. 9:1-12
Sixth Trumpet
.........2nd Woe Plague of Horsemen Rev. 9:13-21
Interval between Sixth and Seventh Trumpets
.........Little Book Rev. 10:1-11
.........Two Witnesses Rev. 11:1-14
Seventh Trumpet
.........3rd Woe includes the Seven Personages,
.........the Seven Vials, and
.........Four Dooms Revelation 11:15-20:10

First Seal ..... White Horse..... Rev. 6:1-2
Second Seal... Red Horse....... Rev. 6:3-4
Third Seal..... Black Horse..... Rev. 6:5-6
Fourth Seal... Pale Horse....... Rev. 6:7-8
Fifth Seal... Souls of Martyrs... Rev. 6:9-11
Sixth Seal.. Physical changes... Rev. 6:12-17
Interval between the Sixth and Seventh Seals
Sealing of 144,000................ Rev. &;1-8
Blood Washed Multitude......... Rev.7:9-17
Seventh Seal.. Silence........... Rev. 8:1
Golden Censer..................... Rev. 8:3-5
Revelation divides into Seven Sevens.

The Seven Churches, chapter 2:14-22.
The Seven Seals, chapter 6:1-chapter 8:5.
The Seven Trumpets, chapter 8:7-chapter 11:19.
The Seven Personages, chapter 12:1-chapter 13:18.
The Seven Vials, chapter 15:1-chapter 16:21.
The Seven Dooms, chapter 17:1-chapter 20:15.
The Seven New Things, chapter 21:1-chapter 22:5
The Things Which "SHALL BE HEREAFTER."

Literally "after these".

The "THINGS" which shall come to pass after the "Church Period" ends.

The Things Which "ARE"

....The Messages to the Seven Churches,
....Relelation 2:1-3; 22.

.................These Messages were to seven churches that were in existence in John's day and to whom he personally wrote, these churches were representive churches and were typical of seven well defined periods in Church History.
Revelation is the only book in the Bible where the Divisions are given and they are given by Christ Himself.
...............The Things Which Thou Hast "SEEN".
The Vision of the Son of Man in the midst of the "Seven Lamp-stands." Revelation 1:10-20.

The "KEY" to the Book of Revelation is its three-fold division of Revelation 1:19.

..............The things which thou hast seen.
..............The things which are.
..............The things which shall be hereafter.

John's vision of the Son of Man was as He will appear at the second stage of His return, the "'Revelation."

........John's 'Sevenfold' description of the person of the 'Glorified Son of Man' is indirect evidence that John saw his vision of the Son of Man, not on a Sabbath Day [as we now call it the Lord's Day], but was moved forward by the Holy Spirit into the ''Day of the Lord" and saw Him as He will appear then as the Judge, and the coming 'sun of righteousness.'
"His Countenance was as the sun shineth in His strength."

..............This reminds us of His appearance on the Mount of Transfiguration when "His face did shine as the Sun,"
Matthew 17"2

........The prophet Malachi tells in Malachi 4:2 that when Jesus comes back He will be the sun of righteousness.
And the sword, like the 'Sword of the Spirit' will be two-edged also, for the protection of His people and the destruction of His enemies.

This is still further proof that John's vision of Christ was as He shall appear in the "Day of the Lord".
"Out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword."

..........................This is not the 'sword of the spirit' which is the Word of God in Ephesians 6:17.

......This is the 'sword of justice' for the Son of Man, out of whose mouth this sword comes, is the "White Horse Rider" of Revelation 19:11-15," out of whose mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations."

The ministers of Christ get their power and office from Him and He holds them in His hand.

...........................If they are false, no one can deliver them from His power and if they are true and loyal, no one can touch or harm them.
"In His right hand seven stars"

The Seven Stars stand for the 'angels' of the 'Seven Churches'.

The angels are not angelic beings but the Messengers or Ministers of the churches.
"His voice as the sound of many waters."

.....................There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of a babbling brook or more roaring than the rush of water over a falls and nothing more fearful than words from a judge to a criminal; but how terrifying the voice of the Son of Man will be on Judgement Day.; "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41

"His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace."

...............In that day those feet that walked the road of suffering will be like unto brass, that shall tread and crush Antichrist and Satan when He comes.

"His eyes were a flame of fire."

.....................While He was here on earth, his eyes read the thoughts of men, so when He sits as the Judge of men, all things will be naked and open before Him.
The "White Hair" of the Son of Man
.........refers to His age and His dignity,
not that His hair was made white by age,
.........because the Eternal never grows old,
but it speaks of wisdom and experience
and His character's honor.
As the title "Ancient of Days" is applied to the
....."Son of Man" [Christ Jesus] at the time He
..............takes on Judgeship Daniel 7:9-10,
which is not until after the Rapture of the Church,
we have proof that John's vision belongs to the
......................"Day of the Lord."
Daniel refers to the "Ancient of Days" three times.

............In Chapter 7:13, he distinguishes between the "Son of Man" and the "Ancient of Days," but in vs 9 & 22 he associates the Ancient of Days" with a "Throne of Judgment", as God the Father has given all judgment to the Son.

"For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:"
...............................John 5:22
His "Head" and "Hair" were "White like wool," as "White as snow".
This description of Christ is like Daniel's vision of the "Ancient of Days," whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool." Daniel 7:9

Now while Jesus is a High Priest in heaven, John didn't see Him doing any High Priest work.

.....................While He was clothed in a High Priestly robe, there was no headdress on His head, nor Kingly crown.

.................................................This is evidence that John was transported into the "Day of the Lord", and that his vision of Christ is as He shall appear after His High Priestly work is finished and before He takes His Kingly Office.
The vision that John saw was that of the glorfied 'son of man'.

........................When Jesus was on the earth He was, as the "Son of Man," a prophet, now was the "Son of Man' om Glory He is a Priest, and when He comes again it will be as the "Son of Man" to reign as King.

Because Jesus speaks of STARS and LAMPSTANDS it's clear that we are living in the NIGHT of this dispensation, because stars and lampstands belong to the night.

We see here that Jesus saw the churches not as the LIGHT, but just the LIGHT HOLDER.

In the Bible, the oil represents the Holy Spirit,
and Jesus Himself said
the "Lampstands" are
the Seven Churches to whom
He was about to send messages.
In the margin of our Bibles we are given another translation for the "Candlesticks"; which is "Lampstands".

.....A candlestick requires a light as a candle,
..............................which goes out on its own.
.......But a lampstand is a lamp whose wick
..................................instead of burning away fed from the oil inside.
John had his back turned to the speaker, and when he turned around he saw one like unto the
standing in the
middle of
"Seven Candlesticks".

When John found himself in the "Day of the Lord"
he heard behind him a great voice, as of a trumpet,
which said,
.........."I am ALPHA and OMEGA,
....................the FIRST and the lAST,"

This statement was repeated adding the words,
.........."I am HE that LIVETH and was DEAD;
and behold;
I am alive for evermore; and have the keys of Hell
[Hades, the underworld and of death , the grave],"

..........The Lord Jesus Christ was the speaker!
What better understanding of the 'Lord's Day'
can we have than that John was taken by the
Holy Spirit across the future into the
'Day of the Lord'
and shown the things that shall come to pass in that day.

It isn't likely that John could have been caught up
[as Paul was] into the Third Heaven
and seen and heard all that he describes in the
Book of Revelation on one Sabbath Day.

..............From chapter 5 is a description of things
that are to come to pass in the 'Day of the Lord.'

The Christian Sabbath was never called the 'Lord's Day' until after the Book of Revelations was written and got its name from it.

.............................In the Gospels and Epistles, it is always called the 'First Day of the Week.'
John tells us that he was "in the Spirit on the Lord's Day."

Both the Old and New Testaments
speak of the "Day of the Lord.";
the term applies to the "Day of the Lord's Return"
and includes both the Tribulation and the Millennium.
When John wrote the Book of Revelation, the Christians were under persecution by the Roman Emperor, who had banished him to the Isle of Patmos.

..........John was a pastor of the Church of Ephesus at that time and it was to that Church that the first 'Message to the Seven Churches' were given.

..............John was banished for "the Word of God and his testimony to Jesus Christ."

Read Revelation 1:9-20

......................John addresses the Churches as their brother and companion in tribulation [not The Great Tribulation] because that is not for the Church but for Israel and is still future.
Revelation 1:8

The Jews will not only mourn because they
rejected Jesus when He came the first time,
but the nations of the earth will wail when
...they realize that He has come back,
.....not as a Savior,
.....but as a Judge punish them for their iniquities.
Like Thomas, they will cry,
"My Lord and My God"!
John 20:24-29

.......................Zechariah in chapter 12: 9-14 describes it as a time of great 'bitterness' and a day of great mourning in Jerusalem, when families will separate themselves from their neighbors and mourn every family member.
Imagine the grief and remorse that will fill the
hearts of the Jews who will witness Jesus' return
to the Mount of Olives;
when they see in His hands and feet,
the prints of the nails
and realize He's the One they crucified.
The Book of Revelation deals mainly with the
events that follow the "Rapture" and are before
the "Return" of Jesus to the earth as
Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
The first coming of Jesus Christ is the Rapture.
...............This is when He comes in the air and all the dead in Christ will rise first and those alive will then be caught up to be with Him, all in the twinkling of an eye.
"Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen."
Revelation 1:7

....................This is referring to the second coming of Jesus. When He will come to rule and reign on earth for 1000 years.

Jesus' return at the end of the age will be in two stages.
John stresses the fact that Jesus loved us before
....He washed us from our sins in His own blood
and that He has made us KINGS and PRIESTS
....unto God and that we need no human Priest
to stand between us and God.
As a PROPHET Jesus is God's WORD,
as PRIEST He is God's LAMB, and
as KING He is God's LION.
is what Jesus will be when He takes the throne,
He will be a KING.
....Jesus carried His own blood into the
.........Heavenly Tabernacle and therefore He
..............performed the work of a PRIEST.
Jesus is called the "Faithful Witness"
as such He is a PROPHET.
In the Salutation....The Threefold Office is
In the Benediction- - -"Grace be unto you and peace
from Him which is and which was and which is to come;
and from the Seven Spirits which are before His Throne;
and from Jesus Christ, who is the Faithful Witness".
we see the Trinity.
The Book of Revelation was addressed
to the Seven Churches of Asia.

These seven churches were typical churches,
...chosen for certain characteristics typical
...of the character of the Church of Christ,
...not only in that day, but on down the centures
...until the church will be removed from the earth
...and represent seven church periods defined church history.
At the last, the patience of the
patriarchs and the saints is rewarded;

the faith and hopes
of Israel and the Church are fulfilled,

and the glory of God shines forever.
Earth touches heaven and hell.

..........Good and evil meet.

There is no blending, only sharp contrasts
and long conflicts that end in victory for good;
the Beast, the False Prophet and Satan, his hosts
and Death and Hades are cast into the Lake of Fire;
it ends with the creation of the new heaven and new earth.
The Book of Revelation is full of action.

.......It brings heaven and earth close together.

.......................The clouds roll away, thrones, elders and angelic forms are seen; harps, trumpets, cries from bodiless souls and choruses of songs are heard.