The final picture of the Kingdom of Rome is seen in the Seventeenth chapter of Revelation.

....................Here there is a similar beast like in Revelation 13, but it is not the same.

...........This is the beast that comes out of the Bottomless Pit.

....................The same things that are said of the Beast of Revelation 13, are said of the Beast of Revelation 17.
The Beast/Antichrist has the attributes and characteristics of all the beasts that had been before.

Daniel 7:4-6
Babylon - lion
Media-Persia - bear
Greece - leopard

Revelation 13:2
beast like a leopard,
feet of a bear
mouth of a lion

The head of the beast is "wounded to death and his deadly wound was healed and all the world wondered after the beast."

...................This event startles the world.

............The beast is apparently wounded to death and then lives again.

......From that time, he reveals himself, he now exalts himself above God and demands the world to worship him.
In Revelation 13, the "little horn" is the Antichrist.

.....This beast comes up out of the sea and has seven heads and ten horns.

.....These ten horns are the same that Daniel saw.
.....But now they have crowns.

The wicked reign of the Antichrist and his satilite kings begin.
According to Daniel 3 and 7, Rome is the final world empire.

.......................The prophecies in Daniel and those of Revelation 13 and 17 show how Rome progressed and its overthrow.

...................................................Rome represented by the "ten toes" or "ten horns", will be a ten-kingdom empire at the time of Christ's return.
The "little horn" is the Antichrist who wars against and overcomes the saints.

But, at Christ's coming the Antichrist and his kingdom will be destroyed;

the "Son of Man" coming in the clouds of heaven will, with His saints, take possession of the kingdom.

The "little horn" becomes the dominating power of the ten kingdoms.

................It overthrows three kingdoms.

.....................................The others apparently accept the "little horn" and backs him with their strength and power.
There are ten horns on the last beast corresponding to the ten toes of the Image of Daniel 2.

...............More information is given which was not revealed in the vision. A "little horn" comes up among the ten horns.

...........................Daniel 1:8
"I considered the horns and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth speaking great things."
Read Daniel 7:2-7, it depicts these same kingdoms by using the symbols of beasts rising out ot the sea.

......Babylon: a lion
......Media-Persia: a bear
......Greece: a leopard
......Rome: a fierce non-descript beast
The two legs of the Image show that this last
empire, Rome, was to be a two-part empire.

The length of the legs
shows this empire will
be in existence for a
long time.

The legs being of iron,
shows it to be a strong kingdom.

The feet of ten toes,
shows that at the time of the end,
it will be composed of ten kingdoms.

The feet partly of iron and clay
show that it is divided.

This fourth Kingdom would be the last Gentile

Christ, as the "stone cut out without hands"
would strike the Image at the feet and utterly
destroy it.
Daniel 2:35 & 45

After these four kingdoms, the Lord, Himself,
would come and overthrow all these Gentile

......This was shown in the vision by a "Stone"
striking the image and destroying it.

........Then Christ's kingdom would grow till it
filled the earth.
Daniel explained the Great Image to be four great Gentile kingdoms that were to arise in the world.

....The first was Babylon which already existed.

...............Daniel told Nebuchadnezzar,
......."Thou art the head of gold." Daniel 2:38

....Then he added that there would be three other great kingdoms which would follow in verses 39-40.

In night visions, Daniel was shown that the king, Nebuchadnezzar, had seen a great Image.

The head was of gold.

Breast and arms of silver.

Belly of brass.

Legs of iron.

Feet and toes were of
iron mixed with clay.
Nebuchadnezzar had a dream, but when he awoke he couldn't remember it.

..................................He called for his magicians, the wisemen and the soothsayers of his kingdom to tell him the dream and interpret it. None of them were able to do it. It anger him and had them put to death.

.................When Daniel heard about it, he asked for and got a stay of execution, promising to interpret the dream.
Daniel the second chapter helps us understand
..................the rise of and the destiny of Rome.

This chapter records the dream of Nebuchadnezzar,
.....of a Great Image, which was explained to him by
.........the prophet Daniel.
Nebuchadnezzar's Dream
We are not to deceive ourselves into thinking
that there are not the same kind of
demon-possessed men today,
who would, under similar conditions, be willing
to follow out the same orders as the Germans did.
We hear of the German leader named Adolf Hitler
.............and his mass murder of millions of Jews;

....we can then see how another of the same kind
.............can rise again.

It has been said by some who reject the inspiration of the Book of Revelation, that the atrocities it describes of the Antichrist are too outlandish to believe for people who are living in these modern times. . . . that mankind has advanced to the place where such crimes against humanity are not possible.
There is no hope in resisting the Antichrist with
physical force.
........................It has been "given unto him to make war with the saints and overcome them."

There is nothing for believers to do but give their lives for their faith.

But in a very short while the resurrection morning will come.
Many of the "remnant of the woman's seed" will not be able to reach safety.

...................Believers in Europe, Africa and Asia, including the whole prophetic world, will be exposed to the wrath of the Beast.

......................................Those who attempt to withstand the Beast will fall before him and be killed.

The Sun-clothed
woman fled from
the Dragon
found protection
in the

This shows that there is an area in the world out of the reach of the Beast.
death defeated

God had intended for all men to have a part in the book of life.

But disobedience and unbelief in God's word
......will mean that many will be taken out.

...........................Acts 17:30
"And the times of this ignorance God hath winked at; but now commandeth all men everywhere to repent."

................God never commands anyone to do what they cannot do.

......It is within the power of men to repent,
if they will.
The Book of Revelation gives the invitation.

.....................Revelation 22:17
"And whosoever will, let him take of the water of life freely."

It is the Lamb that was predestinated to be slain, from the foundation of the world.

There is a true predestination of God's Divine plan; but it doesn't conflict with the truth found everywhere in the word that "whosoever will may come".
Those whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the

foundation of the world shall worship the Beast and perish.

There are 144,000 that are sealed against the judgments
of God, who will come safely through the Great
The Woman fled into the wilderness, where she was protected during the reign of the Beast.
..........Some part of the earth will not come under the rule of the Antichrist.
.................Only in the New World is the possibility that the seed of the woman will be beyond the Antichrist's reach.
............................The New World was a wilderness in the days that the Book of Revelation was written.
Not all believers will die.

................................Matthew 24:22
"And except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved, but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened."

..............This shows that the slaughter of Christians will not be worldwide.

..................... It will stop before it gets to that.