Psalm 55:16-23

Revelation chapter 13 shows the Beast to be a ferocious political power who dominates with violence not compared to in past history.

...........................The Papacy will ride the Beast and have an attraction for it until the Beast itself will turn upon what it considers its enemies and utterly destroy it from the face of the earth.
If Hitler hadn't of been so aggressive,
he might have worn the crown he possessed
and nothing would have pleased the Papacy more
than to see the Holy Roman Empire restored.

But as it was, just seven years after
he had the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire,
he shot himself and passed into oblivion.
Memorial Day 2012

Hitler aroused everybody's wrath with his despicable actions.

At last he disappeared, a contemptible and vile person.
.....He was more than willing to be used of the devil.
His lust for power pulled Europe into a horrible blood bath.
Hitler some how got the crown jewels of the Holy Roman Empire.

...............The boundaries of the Holy Roman Empire were revived for a short time but Hitler didn't live to take the crown.
Hitler, during the period of his rule of Germany, proclaimed a "New Order".

......................It was the Rome-Berlin Axsis with Mussolini, which helped it look Roman.
Germany was the center of the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages which dominated a large part of Europe.

.................It declined and ended in 1806.
In the early 19th century, the Papacy suffered a temporary interruption.

The Pope was made a prisoner of Napoleon.

........................He recovered his fortunes some, but suffered a real diaster in 1870.

.......................................In protest, he declared himself a prisoner of the Vatican until his authority was restored.
Rome continued to exist down through the ages just as the prophet said it would.

...............One phase would fall and a new phase would arise to take its place.

................................But is was always Rome, not a new empire, as in the case of other empires that were represented in the King's Image in his dream.
The German Roman Empire continued until 1806.

.....................The Papacy suffered a temporary loss of power when Napoleon invaded Italy and captured the Pope.

The Papacy recovered its independence in 1814.
The center of the revived Roman Empire had shifted to Otto I of Germany.

...............The most important act in Otto I's life was his taking the Imperial Crown. His successors followed his example and claimed their right coronations by Pope of Rome.

......................The German Holy Roman Empire, the strange state which descended through the Empire of Charlemagne from the Empire of the Caesars.
If the creation of the Empire was to survive, the Pope must invite the ruler of the strongest of these three countires to assume the imperial crown.

......In 962 A.D., the Pope invited Germany renew the Roman Empire.
The modern nations of France, Germany and Italy were formed.

....................But there was no emperor at the time, but the office of the Empire in the mind of the world still remained.

..................................The Papacy had to decide which of these nations was to take the Imperial crown.

Charlemagne's Empire didn't last long. Within a century it had fallen.

..................The Empire was finally dissolved, in the sense that the old realm of Charlemagne fell in 888.

.........But the Empire as an office didn't.

The year 888 is the birth-year of modern Europe.
France, Germany and Italy stood separately.
History shows that the center of Roman power returned to the West in 800 A.D.

......................But it's important to notice that the capital of this revived Roman Empire wasn't at Rome, although Charlemagne was crowned there. It's in a city in Prussia. It's worth remembering.
After several cenuries , circumstances developed which made it possible to restore the Empire of the West.

.................................In the year 800 A.D., the Pope crowned Charlemagne emperor of the Revived Roman Empire.
The idea of the Roman Empire continued to be established in the mind of the Church.

..............The Papacy planned and actually did restore the Empire to its former Imperial pattern.

.........This fact is emphasized by history.

...Happy 64th Birthday, Israel !
Happy Mother's Day 2012

At the same time Imperial Rome was decaying, a new power was rising - the Papacy.

The Papacy, an ecclesiastical power, began to supercede the Caesars.
In the Fourth and Fifth centuries, the Western Empire showed signs of decay.

.............................War-like tribes from the north were causing devastation; though they tried to fight them off.

...In 476 A.D. the Imperial Rome passed into history.
History emphasizes the fact that the Roman Empire was always one and indivisible.

................................The Eastern Empire didn't come to an end when the Western Division fell; it comtinued for another 1000 years.

...............Not until 1453 A.D. did that form of Roman power cease to exist.
Rome was represented in the Image of Nebuchadnezzar by Two Legs indicating that the empire was to be divided.

...................This division took place almost a thousand years after the prophecy was given.

........................................The Empire became so huge that the ruling of its distant provinces was difficult.

.........So the Eastern or the Greek Roman Empire was formed.
Rome went through some political phases in its early existence.

...........In 27 B.C. it was proclaimed an Empire and Rome began to dominate practically all of the known world.

....................This Imperial form of Rome was the first phase of the Roman Empire.
History also shows that when any phase of Roman powers falls, has a remarkable ability to rise again at a later date;
.......................................showing its historical persistence and a strange power to perpetuate itself.
To understand Rome and how its empire is to be restored, we must know prophecy and some of the history of Rome in the past.

................Prophecy reveals that Rome was to continue in existence in some form down through the ages and history bears it out.
The Seventh Trumpet has sounded
and the Seventh Vial has been poured out,
and a voice from heaven has spoken, "It is done."
Revelation 16:17

In Revelation 17 the Beast stands before Armageddon.
Revelation 17 is at the time of the judgment of the Harlot Woman.
national day of prayer 2012

The Beast in Revelation 13:1, is before is wounded unto death.

The Beast in Revelation 17, is after has been wounded to death and healed.

..........This is the Beast that ascends out of the Bottomless Pit.
"And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundations of the world."
...................Revelation 13:8

The same is said of the Beast in Revelation 17:8

"And they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not and yet is."

And again in Revelation 13:3

"And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded unto death; and his deadly wound was healed; and all the world wondered after the beast."

.............These references shows that the two Beasts are the same.