Daniel refers to the "Ancient of Days" three times.

............In Chapter 7:13, he distinguishes between the "Son of Man" and the "Ancient of Days," but in vs 9 & 22 he associates the Ancient of Days" with a "Throne of Judgment", as God the Father has given all judgment to the Son.

"For the Father judgeth no man, but hath committed all judgment unto the Son:"
...............................John 5:22
His "Head" and "Hair" were "White like wool," as "White as snow".
This description of Christ is like Daniel's vision of the "Ancient of Days," whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like pure wool." Daniel 7:9

Now while Jesus is a High Priest in heaven, John didn't see Him doing any High Priest work.

.....................While He was clothed in a High Priestly robe, there was no headdress on His head, nor Kingly crown.

.................................................This is evidence that John was transported into the "Day of the Lord", and that his vision of Christ is as He shall appear after His High Priestly work is finished and before He takes His Kingly Office.
The vision that John saw was that of the glorfied 'son of man'.

........................When Jesus was on the earth He was, as the "Son of Man," a prophet, now was the "Son of Man' om Glory He is a Priest, and when He comes again it will be as the "Son of Man" to reign as King.

Because Jesus speaks of STARS and LAMPSTANDS it's clear that we are living in the NIGHT of this dispensation, because stars and lampstands belong to the night.

We see here that Jesus saw the churches not as the LIGHT, but just the LIGHT HOLDER.

In the Bible, the oil represents the Holy Spirit,
and Jesus Himself said
the "Lampstands" are
the Seven Churches to whom
He was about to send messages.
In the margin of our Bibles we are given another translation for the "Candlesticks"; which is "Lampstands".

.....A candlestick requires a light as a candle,
..............................which goes out on its own.
.......But a lampstand is a lamp whose wick
..................................instead of burning away
.................................is fed from the oil inside.
John had his back turned to the speaker, and when he turned around he saw one like unto the
standing in the
middle of
"Seven Candlesticks".

When John found himself in the "Day of the Lord"
he heard behind him a great voice, as of a trumpet,
which said,
.........."I am ALPHA and OMEGA,
....................the FIRST and the lAST,"

This statement was repeated adding the words,
.........."I am HE that LIVETH and was DEAD;
and behold;
I am alive for evermore; and have the keys of Hell
[Hades, the underworld and of death , the grave],"

..........The Lord Jesus Christ was the speaker!
What better understanding of the 'Lord's Day'
can we have than that John was taken by the
Holy Spirit across the future into the
'Day of the Lord'
and shown the things that shall come to pass in that day.

It isn't likely that John could have been caught up
[as Paul was] into the Third Heaven
and seen and heard all that he describes in the
Book of Revelation on one Sabbath Day.

..............From chapter 5 is a description of things
that are to come to pass in the 'Day of the Lord.'

The Christian Sabbath was never called the 'Lord's Day' until after the Book of Revelations was written and got its name from it.

.............................In the Gospels and Epistles, it is always called the 'First Day of the Week.'
John tells us that he was "in the Spirit on the Lord's Day."

Both the Old and New Testaments
speak of the "Day of the Lord.";
the term applies to the "Day of the Lord's Return"
and includes both the Tribulation and the Millennium.
When John wrote the Book of Revelation, the Christians were under persecution by the Roman Emperor, who had banished him to the Isle of Patmos.

..........John was a pastor of the Church of Ephesus at that time and it was to that Church that the first 'Message to the Seven Churches' were given.

..............John was banished for "the Word of God and his testimony to Jesus Christ."

Read Revelation 1:9-20

......................John addresses the Churches as their brother and companion in tribulation [not The Great Tribulation] because that is not for the Church but for Israel and is still future.
Revelation 1:8

The Jews will not only mourn because they
rejected Jesus when He came the first time,
but the nations of the earth will wail when
...they realize that He has come back,
.....not as a Savior,
.....but as a Judge
...to punish them for their iniquities.
Like Thomas, they will cry,
"My Lord and My God"!
John 20:24-29

.......................Zechariah in chapter 12: 9-14 describes it as a time of great 'bitterness' and a day of great mourning in Jerusalem, when families will separate themselves from their neighbors and mourn every family member.
Imagine the grief and remorse that will fill the
hearts of the Jews who will witness Jesus' return
to the Mount of Olives;
when they see in His hands and feet,
the prints of the nails
and realize He's the One they crucified.
The Book of Revelation deals mainly with the
events that follow the "Rapture" and are before
the "Return" of Jesus to the earth as
Lord of Lords and King of Kings.
The first coming of Jesus Christ is the Rapture.
...............This is when He comes in the air and all the dead in Christ will rise first and those alive will then be caught up to be with Him, all in the twinkling of an eye.
"Behold, He cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him and they also which pierced Him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of Him. Even so, Amen."
Revelation 1:7

....................This is referring to the second coming of Jesus. When He will come to rule and reign on earth for 1000 years.

Jesus' return at the end of the age will be in two stages.
John stresses the fact that Jesus loved us before
....He washed us from our sins in His own blood
and that He has made us KINGS and PRIESTS
....unto God and that we need no human Priest
to stand between us and God.
As a PROPHET Jesus is God's WORD,
as PRIEST He is God's LAMB, and
as KING He is God's LION.
is what Jesus will be when He takes the throne,
He will be a KING.
....Jesus carried His own blood into the
.........Heavenly Tabernacle and therefore He
..............performed the work of a PRIEST.
Jesus is called the "Faithful Witness"
as such He is a PROPHET.
In the Salutation....The Threefold Office is
In the Benediction- - -"Grace be unto you and peace
from Him which is and which was and which is to come;
and from the Seven Spirits which are before His Throne;
and from Jesus Christ, who is the Faithful Witness".
we see the Trinity.
The Book of Revelation was addressed
to the Seven Churches of Asia.

These seven churches were typical churches,
...chosen for certain characteristics typical
...of the character of the Church of Christ,
...not only in that day, but on down the centures
...until the church will be removed from the earth
...and represent seven church periods defined
...in church history.