Chapter Four is a vision of the "Glorified Church" with the Lord, after it has been caught out [Raptured].
1 Thessalonians 4:13-17

The Messages to the Seven Churches

The Messages are between two visions,
       The Vision of Christ in the midst of the
       Seven Lampstands in chapter one
       The Vision of the Four and Twenty
       Elders around the Throne in chapter four.
The Final Testimony
And Warnings                 Rev. 22:6-21
       The First New Thing
              The New Heaven        Rev. 21:1
       The Second New Thing
              The New Earth           Rev. 21:2-8
       The Third New Thing
              The New City             Rev. 21:9-23
       The Fourth New Thing
              The New Nations        Rev. 21:24-27
       The Fifth New Thing
              The New River           Rev. 22:1
       The Sixth New Thing
              The New Tree            Rev. 22:2
       The Seventh New Thing
              The New Throne        Rev. 22:3
The Fifth Doom
       Gog and Magog            Rev. 20:8-9
The Sixth Doom     
       Satan                           Rev. 20:10
The Seventh Doom
       The Wicked Dead         Rev. 20:11-15
The Third Doom
        The Antichrist
               and the False Prophet   Rev. 19:21
The Fourth Doom
        The Antichristian Nations    Rev. 19:21

Between the Fourth and Fifth Dooms
        Satan Bound                        Rev. 20:1-3
        First Resurrection                Rev. 20:4-5
        The Millennium                    Rev. 20:6
        Satan Loosed                       Rev. 20:7
The First Doom
       Ecclesiastical Babylon    Rev. 17:1-18
The Second Doom
       Commercial Babylon      Rev. 18:1-24

Between The Second the Third Dooms
       The Hallelujah Chorus    Rev. 19:1-7
       The Marriage of the Lamb    Rev. 19:8-10
       The Battle of Armagedon      Rev. 19:11-21
Between the Sixth and Seventh Vails
Three Unclean Spirits     Rev. 16:13-16

The Seventh Vial
       Great Hail               Rev. 16:17-21
The First Vial        
       Boils                           Rev. 16:1-2
The Second Vial   
       Blood on the Sea         Rev. 16:3
The Third Vial      
       Blood on the Rivers      Rev.16:4-7
The Fourth Vial    
       Great Heat                   Rev. 16:8-9
The Fifth Vial       
       Darkness                               Rev. 16:10-11
The Sixth Vial      
       Euphrates Dried Up       Rev. 16:12
The Sea of Glass                         Rev. 15:2
The Tabernacle of Testimony       Rev. 15:5-8

INTERVAL Between the "Seven Personages"
and the "Seven Vials"
The Lamb on Mount Zion   .   Rev. 14:1-5
The Three Angel Messenger   Rev. 14:6-7
The Blessed Dead                  Rev. 14:12-13
The Harvest and Vintage        Rev. 14:14-20
The Sun-Clothed Woman.......Rev. 12:1-2
The Dragon.......................Rev. 12:3-4
The Man Child....................Rev. 12:5-6
The Archangel .................. Rev. 12:7-12
The Jewish Remnant ...........Rev. 12:13-17
The Beast out of the Sea ..... Rev.13:1-10
The Beast out of the Earth.... Rev. 13:11-18
First Trumpet
.........Hail,Fire, Blood Rev. 8:7
Second Trumpet
.........Burning Mountain Rev. 8:8-9
Third Trumpet
.........Star Wormwood Rev. 8:10-11
Fourth Trumpet
.........Sun,Moon,Stars Smitten Rev. 8:12
Fifth Trumpet
.........1st Woe Plague of Locusts Rev. 9:1-12
Sixth Trumpet
.........2nd Woe Plague of Horsemen Rev. 9:13-21
Interval between Sixth and Seventh Trumpets
.........Little Book Rev. 10:1-11
.........Two Witnesses Rev. 11:1-14
Seventh Trumpet
.........3rd Woe includes the Seven Personages,
.........the Seven Vials, and
.........Four Dooms Revelation 11:15-20:10

First Seal ..... White Horse..... Rev. 6:1-2
Second Seal... Red Horse....... Rev. 6:3-4
Third Seal..... Black Horse..... Rev. 6:5-6
Fourth Seal... Pale Horse....... Rev. 6:7-8
Fifth Seal... Souls of Martyrs... Rev. 6:9-11
Sixth Seal.. Physical changes... Rev. 6:12-17
Interval between the Sixth and Seventh Seals
Sealing of 144,000................ Rev. &;1-8
Blood Washed Multitude......... Rev.7:9-17
Seventh Seal.. Silence........... Rev. 8:1
Golden Censer..................... Rev. 8:3-5
Revelation divides into Seven Sevens.

The Seven Churches, chapter 2:14-22.
The Seven Seals, chapter 6:1-chapter 8:5.
The Seven Trumpets, chapter 8:7-chapter 11:19.
The Seven Personages, chapter 12:1-chapter 13:18.
The Seven Vials, chapter 15:1-chapter 16:21.
The Seven Dooms, chapter 17:1-chapter 20:15.
The Seven New Things, chapter 21:1-chapter 22:5
The Things Which "SHALL BE HEREAFTER."

Literally "after these".

The "THINGS" which shall come to pass after the "Church Period" ends.

The Things Which "ARE"

....The Messages to the Seven Churches,
....Relelation 2:1-3; 22.

.................These Messages were to seven churches that were in existence in John's day and to whom he personally wrote, these churches were representive churches and were typical of seven well defined periods in Church History.
Revelation is the only book in the Bible where the Divisions are given and they are given by Christ Himself.
...............The Things Which Thou Hast "SEEN".
The Vision of the Son of Man in the midst of the "Seven Lamp-stands." Revelation 1:10-20.

The "KEY" to the Book of Revelation is its three-fold division of Revelation 1:19.

..............The things which thou hast seen.
..............The things which are.
..............The things which shall be hereafter.

John's vision of the Son of Man was as He will appear at the second stage of His return, the "'Revelation."

........John's 'Sevenfold' description of the person of the 'Glorified Son of Man' is indirect evidence that John saw his vision of the Son of Man, not on a Sabbath Day [as we now call it the Lord's Day], but was moved forward by the Holy Spirit into the ''Day of the Lord" and saw Him as He will appear then as the Judge, and the coming 'sun of righteousness.'
"His Countenance was as the sun shineth in His strength."

..............This reminds us of His appearance on the Mount of Transfiguration when "His face did shine as the Sun,"
Matthew 17"2

........The prophet Malachi tells in Malachi 4:2 that when Jesus comes back He will be the sun of righteousness.
And the sword, like the 'Sword of the Spirit' will be two-edged also, for the protection of His people and the destruction of His enemies.

This is still further proof that John's vision of Christ was as He shall appear in the "Day of the Lord".
"Out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword."

..........................This is not the 'sword of the spirit' which is the Word of God in Ephesians 6:17.

......This is the 'sword of justice' for the Son of Man, out of whose mouth this sword comes, is the "White Horse Rider" of Revelation 19:11-15," out of whose mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it He should smite the nations."

The ministers of Christ get their power and office from Him and He holds them in His hand.

...........................If they are false, no one can deliver them from His power and if they are true and loyal, no one can touch or harm them.
"In His right hand seven stars"

The Seven Stars stand for the 'angels' of the 'Seven Churches'.

The angels are not angelic beings but the Messengers or Ministers of the churches.
"His voice as the sound of many waters."

.....................There is nothing more beautiful than the sound of a babbling brook or more roaring than the rush of water over a falls and nothing more fearful than words from a judge to a criminal; but how terrifying the voice of the Son of Man will be on Judgement Day.; "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels." Matthew 25:41

"His feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace."

...............In that day those feet that walked the road of suffering will be like unto brass, that shall tread and crush Antichrist and Satan when He comes.

"His eyes were a flame of fire."

.....................While He was here on earth, his eyes read the thoughts of men, so when He sits as the Judge of men, all things will be naked and open before Him.
The "White Hair" of the Son of Man
.........refers to His age and His dignity,
not that His hair was made white by age,
.........because the Eternal never grows old,
but it speaks of wisdom and experience
and His character's honor.
As the title "Ancient of Days" is applied to the
....."Son of Man" [Christ Jesus] at the time He
..............takes on Judgeship Daniel 7:9-10,
which is not until after the Rapture of the Church,
we have proof that John's vision belongs to the
......................"Day of the Lord."