The Third Seal. . . A Black Horse
Revelation 6:5-6

"And when He opened the Third Seal, I heard the Third Beast say, Come. And I beheld, and lo a Black Horse: and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand.
And I heard a voice in the midst of the Four Beasts say, a measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny: and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine."

             When the Third Seal was broken John heard the third Man-like Living Creature say Come, and a Black Horse appeared and went forth, whose Rider held in his hand a pair of balances and John heard the voice of an invisible person in the middle of the Four Living Creature speak.

             The Black Horse represents famine and the Rider keeper of food.
The Rider of the Red Horse, whose Great Sword is symbolic of awful destruction of human life.

          This is a fulfillment of 1 Thessalonians 5:3.

    We learn from this Seal that wars are likely to break out at any time and that there will be no peace on the earth until the return of the Prince of Peace.
The Second Seal. . . A Red Horse
Revelation 6:3-4

"And when He had opened the second seal, I heard the Second Beast say, Come. And there went out another horse that was Red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a Great Sword."

        The color of the horse is a symbol of blood and the Sword is a symbol of War.
The White Horse Rider will be Satan's superman.
       He will be possessed by Satanic power and will do everything  according to his own will.
       He will have no respect for sacred things or places.
       He will cause a throne to be built in the Most Holy Place of a Temple that the Jews will build in Jerusalem and sit there.
       He will proclaim himself as god and command man to worship him.
The rise of the Antichrist to power and the rebuilding of Babylon takes time, so the Rapture of the Church will undoubtedly take place before the beginning of the WEEK by some time, even years.

          This time will be peaceful, but that peace will be short by the evidence from the breaking of the Second Seal.
The rise of this White Horse Rider precedes the beginning of the Seventieth Week or the seven years of his reign, because he must have reached a position of power to make a Covenant with the Jews at the beginning of the week, but he doesn't become the Beast described in Revelation 13:1-8 until the middle of the week; until Satan is cast out of the Heavenlies and possesses him.
The Antichrist is the PRINCE WHO IS TO COME of Daniel's vision of the Seventy Weeks, and who will confirm the Covenant for One Week, the last or Seventieth Week, with Jews.

      The covenant in Daniel 9:27, will probably be the privilege to return to Palestine and rebuild the Temple and re-establish their sacrificial form of worship and exist as a nation in the rebuilt city of Babylon with those who have his mark.
As a tool of Satan, the Antichrist will be given powers to work wonders, and the world will be ready to receive him.

        The White Horse Rider is the Antichrist.
The Antichrist's victory will be due to diplomacy.

       He will get it by coming in peaceably and getting the Kingdom by flatteries.
The crown the Antichrist will receive is a picture of his strategic and irresistible conquering and the victory that will dazzle the world and elevate him to the leadership that will put him at the Head of the Ten Kingdoms of the revived Roman Empire.
The rider of the White Horse is not Jesus because He is the Lamb who is holding the Seven Sealed Book and is breaking the Seals.

                 This rider has only a bow, no arrows are mentioned, and he isn't crowned at first, but a crown is given to him later.
The First Seal.....A White Horse.
Revelation 6:1-2

When the Lamb broke the first seal, the first or Lion-like Living Creature cried "Come", to the rider of the white horse because John was already there.

          When the rider appeared John says, "And I saw and behold a while horse; and he that sat on him had a bow and a crown was given unto him; and he went forth conquering and to conquer."
There is a 'Time Space' between the 'Second' and 'Third' Periods of the 69th and 70th Week, the present Church Age.

              This was hidden so the Church should not fail to watch.
What is foretold will occur during the reign of the Antichrist, 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, is that the "Period" between Revelation 6:1 and Revelation 19:21, is the 'Third Period' of One Week, of Daniel's 'Seventy Weeks' and that it is to last seven years.
Happy Mother's Day 2013

The last or seventieth week that in the middle of that week the Antichrist shall break the Covenant and cause the 'sacrifice and oblation'  that the Jews have restored, to cease and then  the "overspreading of the abominations that maketh desolate," shall continue until the end of the week.

The things unfulfilled are still future and must be fulfilled in the remaining One Week, and that that One Week will be Seven Years long, because it has to be the same length as the other Weeks.

         This gives us the length of time of the reign of the Prince that shall come [Antichrist], who we are told in Daniel 9:27 will make a Covenant with the Jews for One Week.
The last or the Seventieth Week of Daniel's 'Seventy Weeks," covers the time period of Revelation 6:1 & 19:21 and confirms the claim that that period is Jewish and has nothing to do with the Church.
There will be no Ark of the Covenant with its Mercy Seat, in the Most Holy Place of the Millennial Temple (Jeremiah 3:16), but in its place will be the Royal Throne, on which the Messiah shall sit as a King and Priest (Zechariah 6:12-13), and whose anointing is referred to as the fulfillment of the Seventy Weeks with the things that shall happen at the close of this Dispensation and that are described in Revelation 6:1 & 19:21.
When Jesus comes back and sits on the Throne of His father David, there is to be a magnificent Temple built, the like of which has never yet been seen on this planet.
When the Transgression of Israel has ceased and they have uninterrupted communion with God, there is no longer a need for Vision or Prophet.

           It is a fact that "Vision" and "Prophecy" has been confined to the Jewish race.
When the "Transgression of Israel" has come to an end, and her sins are "sealed up," then everlasting righteousness shall be brought in.

          The King will come and
             the Kingdom be restored to Israel and
               the Millennium will be here and
                 the Knowledge of the Lord shall cover
                   the earth as the waters cover
                     the sea.
In Revelation 10:1-6, Christ as the Mighty Angel, "puts His right foot upon the sea and His left foot on the earth, and cries. . ." There shall be time no longer," that is "No Longer Delay," that He takes formal possession, but as the claim is disputed further, steps are necessary to secure possession.
What was in the Sealed Book was not disclosed.

         We are told, as the Seals are broken, that certain things happened.

                  They apparently were preliminary to the Lamb's taking possession of the Purchased Possession.
The 'Seven Sealed Book' that John saw was written within and on the back.

       The Seals were not in a row along the edge of the Book or Roll, but a Seal was broken and the parchment unrolled until the next seal was reached, and so on until all the 'Seals' had been broken.
Jesus' title as the Son of God, He is the Heir of All Things.