The New Earth
Revelation 21:1

The first heaven and earth were created in the past. Genesis 1:1

        The new earth is to last forever.

                 The new heaven and earth right after the destruction of satan and his armies, John doesn't tell us how it is to come to pass.
The New Heaven
Revelation 21:1

By new heaven we are to understand a new atmosphere for the new earth.
The Fallen Angel [not the devil's angels] who are held in everlasting chains under darkness, will be judged at this time which Jude calls the Judgment of the Great Day. Jude 6

       When this judgment is over the devil and his angels, and all the ungodly, will have be cast into the Lake of Fire and the universe is cleansed of all evil and righteousness shall reign on the New Earth.
The Great White Throne will not be on the earth, the Great White Throne Judgment will take place during the Restoration of the Earth by Fire.

         The Restoration of the Earth is kept until the time of that judgment which Peter calls The Day of Judgment and Perdition of ungodly men [2 Peter 3:7] because the Judgment of the Great White Throne is the judgment of the wicked dead.
Seventh Doom
The wicked Dead
The Great White Throne Judgment
Revelation 20:11-15

This is not a general judgment. The Church is not in this judgment and neither is Israel. They both have already been judged. at the Judgment Seat of Christ; and Israel was judged during the Tribulation Period.

         This is a judgment of the wicked dead and is a different judgment from that of The Nations. Matthew 25:31-46.
Only the bodies of those who die in the last great war will be destroyed by fire. 

       Their souls and spirits will go to the Hell and come out at the Resurrection of the Wicked [dead] and appear before the Great White Throne Judgment and be sentenced to the Second Death, which means that they must spend eternity without a material body in the Lake of Fire.
The reason satan doesn't want people to read and study the Book of Revelation is because he doesn't want the world to know that there is to be an end to his power.
Sixth Doom
Revelation 20:10

As punishment for his acts of rebellion, satan shall be taken by the angel that had chained him and threw him into the Lake of Fire where he will find alive and waiting for him the Beast/Antichrist and the False Prophet who were cast in there a 1000 years before.

        This shows that there isn't such a thing as annihilation. The Lake of Fire was prepared for the devil and his angels, not to consume them because God could have done that with fire from heaven but it is to punish them and all those whose names aren't written in the Book of Life. It's where they will spend eternity.
Fifth Doom
Gog and Magog

As soon as satan is loosed from his prison in the Bottomless Pit, he will find a multitude ready to believe his le, and to serve and obey him. They will be in number as the "sand of the sea." Revelation 20:8-9
Satan will be loosed out of his prison. Revelation 20:7-8.

        At the end of the Millennial Age, the angel who imprisoned satan will unlock the Bottomless Pit and satan will come out mad because of it, to vent his anger upon the people of God. He will be the same character that he was before. His hatred against God and His people will be unquenchable.

                He will only be able to touch those born during the Millennium and those who died below the age of accountability during the ages from creation to the end of the 1000 years.
Israel's Mission during the Millennial Age [1000 year reign of Jesus Christ] will be that of blessing to the Gentile nations.

         Israel has not yet been a leading nation. The nations today are a headless body. There is no chief nation.

                But in that day, Israel shall be the chief  nation and the nation that will not serve her shall perish.  Isaiah 60:12
The light of the moon and sun will increase. Isaiah 30:26.

        In the Millennium, the earth atmosphere will make the moonlight nights as bright as day and the days seven times as bright. Isaiah 60:19-20. Revelation 21:23-24
Human life will be prolonged. Isaiah 65:20

        A person dying at 100 years old will be considered only a child.  The elderly will be 100's of years old. These are they that are born during the 1000 year Millennium who don't have glorified bodies and have never been influenced by satan.
There will be changes in the animal kingdom. Isaiah 11:6-9.

        These word are literal.  This was the character of animals in Eden before the Fall and in the Ark.

                 The ferociousness of animals today are because of the fall of man. The conditions of Eden are to be restored on the earth at the appearance of the New Earth.
In the Millennium [the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ] the land of Palestine will be restored to it former fertility. This will be not only by rains, but by numerous rivers and streams that flow from the New River in the Sanctuary.  Joel 3:18
When the Great Red Dragon [satan] is cast out of the Heavenlies there will be cast out with him all the principalities and powers and age rulers of darkness. Ephesians 6:12.

         And the Heavens which now are not clean in His sight [Job 15:15], will be cleansed of evil powers.

                  There will be no universal peace unto the Lord comes back. Then the nations will beat their swords into plow-shares and the spears into pruning-hooks Micha 4:3.
During the Millennium the Prince of the Powers of the Air will be dethroned and the Prince of Peace will be enthroned.
That the evil heart of man hasn't been eradicated will be seen when satan is loosed at the end of the Millennium [1000 years].

       He is loosed and finds no problem deceiving the nations. Revelation 20:8.
Satan Bound
Revelation 20:1-3

Satan will be bound and imprisoned so that he can't deceive men any longer. 

        Man has never known or conceived what the world would be like free from satanic influence. He would still have an evil heart of unbelief to contend with but it would be like gunpowder without a spark.
The conversion of the Jewish nation will be sealed with a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

        The original prophecy in Joel was given to Israel and its partial fulfillment at Pentecost seems to have been limited to them.

                The  knowledge of the Lord will be world-wide and "it shall come to pass that ten men of all languages and nations shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying We will go with you; for we have heard that God is with you."  Zechariah 8:22-23
The priesthood of Aaron will be re-established and the sons of Zadok will officiate and offer sacrifices.  Ezekiel 44:15-31
The Temple or Sanctuary will be located in the center of the Holy Oblation.

         A full description of the Temple and its courts is given in Ezekiel 40:1; 44:31.  No building he has so specifically described has ever yet been built, so the prophecy cannot refer to any other Temple. 

                As there is to be no Temple in New Jerusalem, it must be a description of the Temple that is to be on the earth during the Millennium, [1000 years that Jesus will reign on the earth].
God gave the land to Abram [Abraham] and his descendants extending from the River of Egypt to the Great River Euphrates. Genesis 15:18.

        This land given by God to Abram was not conditional and has never been revoked. It is 8 times as large as that formerly occupied by the Twelve Tribes of Israel and it is to be divided among them.
Jerusalem will be the seat of government. It is to be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the Times of the Gentiles be fulfilled. Luke 21:24.

         Then it will be rebuilt.  Ezekiel the prophet describes the restoration of the land and the city in Ezekiel 48:1-35.
The promise that Jesus made to His disciples that more than likely doesn't refer to the Millennial Age but to the Perfect Age; the Age that will follow the remaking of the New Earth by Fire.

"And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel."
The Millennial, 1000 year, reign of Jesus Christ will be a Theocracy.  God will rule by Jesus Christ.
Luke 1:30-33

"And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God.
And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end."
This Kingdom that Jesus will rule and reign is a literal Kingdom. This Kingdom is the Millennial Kingdom or 1000 years.

       It will be set up at the time Jesus returns with the Armies of Heaven [all the Saints] and destroys the Antichrist and judge the Nations.