Moses warned against witchcraft.
            Deuteronomy 18:10  There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch. 
From the Garden of Eden the devil has caused revolt and rebellion against God. He has caused confusion and chaos from generation to generation.

            From Genesis to Malachi God warned His people to be free of demon power. He had His prophet write it down.
As Christians, we don't need to fear any of the devil's works. We have no reason to fear. James 4:7 says, . . . resist the devil and he will flee from you. . . .not walk or crawl but flee!  He flees because he is the one who is afraid.

        If the devil is afraid of the true child of God, we don't need to be afraid of him. God's children do not have any reason to fear the devil's power. We need to be set free and set others free by God's great power.
The battle over evil will get greater than it's been in the past. Demons will try to take over humans in a greater way.

           We, as God's children, must stand up against them. We must believe for tremendous victory!
Again, someone may say that that was the disciples long ago. But, Mark 16:17 says, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; in My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues."

         This is the Great Commission of our Lord. He commanded the people who were to come after Him [anybody who believed in Him] to take power over demon spirits and cast them out in His name.

                  In these last days, there will be multitudes of people needing to be set free. The church must set itself for the greatest battle in history against demon power.
The seventy were given power in Luke 10:1-17, After these things the Lord appointed other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city and place, whither he himself would come.
Many say that that was Jesus 2,000 years ago; but Luke 9:1 tells us, "Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them the power and authority over all devils. . ." 

           That meant that no devils could stand against them. They were to go out in His name and set the people free.
Jesus cast demons out of multitudes of people, Matthew 8:16,  When the even was come, they brought unto him many that were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with his word, and healed all that were sick.

          Luke 4:41 And devils also came out of many, crying out, and saying, Thou art Christ the Son of God. And he rebuking them suffered them not to speak: for they knew that he was Christ.  
An amazing deliverance in the Bible is the healing of the demoniac of Gadara.

           It says this man was possessed of one legion of bad spirits.
"Legion" is a military term for a force between 2 to 5 thousand men. The man of Gadara was possessed of that many evil spirits within him.

                   Millions of  evil spirits could be in one place because they don't need physical room. So, thousands can be inside one physical being.
Luke 4:33 tells us about Jesus going to worship. In the synagogue was a demon possessed man. This devil felt very comfortable in church until Jesus arrived. "And in the synagogue there was a man, which had a spirit of an unclean devil and cried out with a loud voice."

          When Jesus walked in, the devil began to scream at Him and said in Luke 4:34,. . . .I know you who you are; the Holy One of God. And Jesus said,. . .Come out! Instantly the man was delivered of the unclean spirit.

                    Times haven't changed. There are still people hanging around churches who need to be set free from the devil's power.
In Luke 8:2, And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary called Magdalene, out of whom went seven devils. . .is one of the most remarkable events.

           The Bible says specifically and emphatically that this woman had seven devils in her. Jesus cast them out and she became one of His disciples.

                  This does prove that humans can have evil spirits in them and that Jesus can cast them out.
Jesus came to the world also to deliver people from the devil's power.

          Acts 10:38, How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power: who went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil; for God was with him.

                   Most healing is "oppression of the devil."
Matthew 12:44, Then he [the demon] said, I will return into my house from where I came out; and when he is come, he finds it empty, swept and garnished.

          The man who was delivered was empty, swept and garnished. He looked alright but his spirit had no resistance to the demon. So the demon found seven more worse than himself and possessed the man. Jesus said that the end of that man was worse than the first.

                 This story about devils living in and coming and going in and out of people was told by the Lord Jesus Himself.
Unregenerate persons can come under complete control and authority of the devil.

          Jesus tells about a man who was demon possessed and then delivered of the evil spirit. The spirit walked through dry places looking for a place to rest, but couldn't find one.

                  Some time later, this same spirit returned to the same man, finding him swept and garnished, but empty, Matthew 12:43.
Several times Jesus cast out spirits of blindness and deafness and dumbness out of people, Matthew 9:32.

             He also cast out spirits of infirmity, fevers. etc that took over areas of their bodies with the power of God.
Animals can be possessed by devils. Matthew 8:29-32 tells of a herd if pigs in which a legion of demons entered and they ran into a sea of water, drowning.

           There are accounts of farmers, etc that have noticed pecular spirits in animals that couldn't live peaceably with others and needed to be destroyed.
It is interesting that Jesus wept over Jerusalem. It was the big city of  His day.

              We should weep over the great cities of our land so that they don't stay in the devil's power.

                        The reason, the evil powers is the strongest in the big cities like Washington D.C., New York, Chicago, etc. is because they are full of soothsayers, crystal-gazers, fortunetellers, spirit mediums and cults of all kinds.
Big cities dominate our country. Much of the filth on television comes from two great cities, Hollywood and New York.

            Most of the amusement that is wicked and immoral comes from big cities like Las Vegas and San Francisco also. Demons dominate whole areas and we shouldn't give them to the devil, they need to be defeated.
It seems like the big cities of American are becoming increasingly difficult to reach for God; satan's power is taking a strangle hold on them. Many Full Gospel churches are even smaller than before.

              If there ever was a time when the gospel power should invade the big cities to bind evil and set the people free, it is now.
In Indonesian, there are what the people call "Cities of Devil." These are cities where the chief priests of demon worship, black magic and spiritism have their headquarters.

          The doctors of witchcraft congregate and work out of  them. Beyond any doubt these cities have spiritual darkness much greater than any others in that area.
The city of Calcutta, India, seems to be one of the most depressing cities in the world and is shackled by a spirit of oppression. The city is named after a female goddess named Cali. She is a fierce devil.

              Her image at the great temple, shows her tongue sticking out about 8 inches long and 6 inches wide. She demands blood. Those devoted to her splash their faces and drink hot goats blood.

                         Her temple is a place of gross immorality. She claims she can give children to barren women.
Hollywood is dominated by an evil spirit. A spirit of immorality; a sensual and lustful spirit.

           Living in an area where satan is strong in destroying morals, people fall under his attack.
Satan hasn't changed. There are modern cities which have given themselves to certain sins which only he can inspire.

         Every city has a spirit in it. Some cities have a very good spirit; but others don't. Some cities seem to be open to the moving of the Spirit of God; but others are hard to work in.

                  The largest part of most populations don't attend church and live in the deepest sin. Many are corrupt in commerce and government. Strong and evil spirits rule them.
The cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are examples of demon habitation. These cities gave themselves to terrible sin, which bears the name of one of the cities up to today.

            The spirit that ruled there caused men to make love to men rather than women. Only the devil could have inspired that.

                       Sodomy became so dominant that God was obligated to wipe that city off the face of the earth. Sodom was a city where satan's sat and where he lived. It was here that he commanded supreme power.