If you received Christ as savior, He has forgiven you for all of your sins, past, present and future. Although all of your sins were future because Jesus went to the Cross 2000 years ago, why do we keep asking Him for forgiveness if we already have forgiveness? 

        "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin" Hebrews 9:22. Doesn't that mean He's not going back to the Cross again for anyone's sin? He said, "It is finished." Then let's stop asking for forgiveness: simply confess the sin to Him, repent, and thank for the forgiveness He has given and for His completed work on the Cross, Hebrews chapter 6.
When I, John, saw Jesus, I fell at His feet like a dead man. But then He laid His right hand on me and said: "Don't be fearful! I am the one that lives. I died, not look, I am alive and forever more. And I hold the keys to life and to death and victory over the grave."
Then I turned to see who  was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lamp stands and standing in the center was someone like the Son of God. 

      He was wearing a long robe with a gold sash across His chest. His hair and head were white as wool and just as white as snow. His eyes looked like flames of fire. His feet appeared as polished bronze and His voice was like thunder, as sounds of ocean waves crashing on the shores. 

           In His right hand He held seven stars and from His mouth came a sharp two-edge sword and His face was as bright as the noon day sun in its unclouded brilliance.
I am your brother, John, your partner in suffering in God's Kingdom because Jesus has called us to be patient as we walk with Him.

       I was exiled to a remote island for teaching the word of God and my testimony about Jesus.

            It was on Sunday that I was worshiping in the Spirit. All of a sudden, I heard behind me a loud voice like a trumpet blast. It said: "Write in a book everything you are going to see and hear and send it to all of my followers in several locations."
I am the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God. I am the one who is, who was and who is to come - the Almighty One, the One that each of you will give an account of yourself.
Jesus is coming back as He promised, in the clouds of heaven and He will be seen by everyone even the people that crucified Him. All the nations that rejected Him will be distraught.
Jesus suffered humiliation for the whole world to see because He loved us so much and wanted to have us spend eternity with Him, if we believe and receive His gift of eternal life.

       The grave and death could not hold Him because He is the ruler of all the kings and leaders of this earth. All other spiritual leaders are still in the grave.
It is amazing how much Jesus loves us.

    He proved it by providing Himself as a blood sacrifice for our failures. It is so wonderful to realize that the God of Heaven was willing to leave Heaven and was willing to be slapped, spit upon, beaten with a leather whip with pieces of steal tearing the flesh to the bone, then having His beard pulled out by the roots, having a crown with long sharp thorns pushed onto His head, then nailed to a cross, one nail in each hand and one through both feet, all for us!
Grace and peace to you from the One who never had a beginning; who is still very much alive and from the Holy Spirit in heaven and in our world today.
John reported everything he saw regarding the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ. God will bless the one that  reads these words of prophecy to others. He will bless all who listen to this message but most of all, He desires us to obey what it says because our time is very near.
This is a Revelation from the living Christ which God gave Him to show His believers the events that will soon take place in our world. Christ sent His angel to present the revelation to His servant John.
The one who is testifying to these things says, 
“Yes, I’m coming soon!”

Amen! Come, Lord Jesus!

The good will of the Lord Jesus be with all of you. Amen!
I, John, warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this book: If anyone adds anything to this, God will strike him with the plagues that are written in this book. If anyone takes away any words from this book of prophecy, God will take away his portion of the tree of life and the holy city that are described in this book.
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” Let those who hear this say, “Come!” Let those who are thirsty come! Let those who want the water of life take it as a gift.
“I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give this testimony to you for the churches. I am the root and descendant of David. I am the bright morning star.”
Blessed are those who wash their robes so that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city. 

      Outside are dogs, sorcerers, sexual sinners, murderers, idolaters, and all who lie in what they say and what they do.
“I’m coming soon! I will bring my reward with me to pay all people based on what they have done. I am the A and the Z, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.”
Then the angel said to me, “Don’t seal up the words of the prophecy in this book because the time is near. Let those who don’t have God’s approval go without it, and let filthy people continue to be filthy. Let those who have God’s approval continue to have it, and let holy people continue to be holy.”
I, John, heard and saw these things. When I had heard and seen them, I bowed to worship at the feet of the angel who had been showing me these things. 

        He told me, “Don’t do that! I am your coworker. I work with other Christians, the prophets, and those who follow the words in this book. Worship God!”
He said to me, “These words are trustworthy and true. The Lord God of the spirits of the prophets has sent his angel to show his servants the things that must happen soon. I’m coming soon! 

        Blessed is the one who follows the words of the prophecy in this book.”
The angel showed me a river filled with the water of life, as clear as crystal. It was flowing from the throne of God and the lamb.

       Between the street of the city and the river there was a tree of life visible from both sides. It produced 12 kinds of fruit. Each month had its own fruit. The leaves of the tree will heal the nations. 

                There will no longer be any curse. The throne of God and the lamb will be in the city. His servants will worship him and see his face. His name will be on their foreheads.

                         There will be no more night, and they will not need any light from lamps or the sun because the Lord God will shine on them. 

They will rule as kings forever and ever.
I did not see any temple in it, because the Lord God Almighty and the lamb are its temple.

        The city doesn’t need any sun or moon to give it light because the glory of God gave it light. The lamb was its lamp. The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. 

                Its gates will be open all day. They will never close because there won’t be any night there. They will bring the glory and wealth of the nations into the holy city. Nothing unclean, no one who does anything detestable, and no liars will ever enter it. 

Only those whose names are written in the lamb’s Book of Life will enter it.
The angel who was talking to me had a gold measuring stick to measure the city, its gates, and its wall. The city was square. It was as wide as it was long. He measured the city with the stick. It was 12,000 stadia long. Its length, width, and height were the same. He measured its wall. According to human measurement, which the angel was using, it was 144 cubits. Its wall was made of gray quartz.

       The city was made of pure gold, as clear as glass. The foundations of the city wall were beautifully decorated with all kinds of gems: The first foundation was gray quartz, the second sapphire, the third agate, the fourth emerald, the fifth onyx, the sixth red quartz, the seventh yellow quartz, the eighth beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth green quartz, the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst.

             The 12 gates were 12 pearls. Each gate was made of one pearl. The street of the city was made of pure gold, as clear as glass.