In eternity, the believers will actually experience
the reality of their inheritance and their rulership
with Jesus.

Being a christian is no little matter. Believing in
Jesus is more than just emotional it's also joining
with Him and being a partaker of His divine nature.

Remember, there are two ways believers will go to
heaven.....physical death which we do not need to be
afraid because we do not die, we do not even lose
consciousness but discover that "being absent from
the body" is "to be present with the Lord"
2 Corinthians 5:8

The other way to go to heaven is to be Raptured or
caught up with the Church into the presence of God.

This event is going to be so thrilling that we should
want to know more about it and we can in the word
of God.

Those of you that do not know Jesus and want
to know more about what is in store for believers
and unbelievers, the word of God tells it all.

We love you and want you to join us.