Both prophecies of Revelation and Joel were
fulfilled during the Day of the Lord. The time
for the appearance of this judgment mention-
ed in Joel is right.

The Fifth Trumpet come shortly after the
beginning of the Day of the Lord. Revelation
6:16-17 The second chapter of Joel starts
with the statement, "the day of the Lord
cometh, for it is nigh at hand."
There appears to be a prophecy in the Book
of Joel that goes along remarkably with
the Locusts Judgment that its almost
certain that it represents the events of
the Fifth Trumpet.

"Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound
an alarm in my holy mountain: let all the
inhabitants of the land tremble: for the
day of the LORD cometh, for it is nigh at
A day of darkness and of gloominess, a

day of clouds and of thick darkness, as
the morning spread upon the mountains:
a great people and a strong; there hath
not been ever the like, neither shall be any
more after it, even to the years of many
A fire devoureth before them; and behind

them a flame burneth: the land is as the
garden of Eden before them, and behind
them a desolate wilderness; yea, and
nothing shall escape them.
The appearance of them is as the appear-

ance of horses; and as horsemen, so shall
they run.
Like the noise of chariots on the tops of

mountains shall they leap, like the noise
of a flame of fire that devoureth the stubble,
as a strong people set in battle array.
Before their face the people shall be much

pained: all faces shall gather blackness.
They shall run like mighty men; they shall

climb the wall like men of war; and they
shall march every one on his ways, and
they shall not break their ranks:
Neither shall one thrust another; they shall

walk every one in his path: and when they
fall upon the sword, they shall not be
They shall run to and fro in the city; they

shall run upon the wall, they shall climb
up upon the houses; they shall enter in at
the windows like a thief.
The earth shall quake before them; the

heavens shall tremble: the sun and the
moon shall be dark, and the stars shall
withdraw their shining:
And the LORD shall utter his voice before

his army: for his camp is very great: for
he is strong that executeth his word: for
the day of the LORD is great and very
terrible; and who can abide it?"

Abaddon, is Satan's special angel who holds
dominion over the demons of the pit.

Satan is the one that had the key of the Pit,
but the immediate king of the demons is

Eventually, Satan himself will be cast into
the Bottomless Pit and the key taken from
" And they had a king over them, which is
the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name
in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in
the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon."
Revelation 9:11

Abaddon or Apollyon is a subordinate

prince under the rule of Satan. Satan has
many demon angels under him [Matthew

Satan has princes who have power to resist

the missions of the righteous angels.
[Daniel 10:13].
This judgment of the locusts is to continue
for five months. Revelation 9:10 " And they

had tails like unto scorpions, and there were
stings in their tails: and their power was to
hurt men five months."

It is the same length of time that the flood
lasted [Genesis 7:24]. And about the length
of time natural locusts appear - May thru

This Judgment is the first of three "woes".

People who ignore the awful fact of demon
power will when unpotected by the Spirit
of God, have a horrible awakening in this
time that is coming.

When that evil trial strikes the earth, men
will in desparation seek death to get rid of
the pain. Since the sting is not usually fatal
it will be said, "In these days men shall seek
death and shall not find it, and shall desire
to die, and death shall flee from them."
Revelation 9:6.
The demon-locusts have power to torment
men, and their sting is as that of a scorpion.

A scorpion's sting is known to be one of the
most painful that can be experience but not
necessarially fatal.

It seems foolish that a demon can sting,
but it is recorded of people being bitten by
demons that even attracted world-wide
attention. It shows the amazing powers of
evil spirits under certain conditions.
The Bottomless Pit or Abyss is not the
same as the Lake of Fire.

The Bottomless Pit is a prison. Demons
plead with Jesus not to send them to that
place [Luke 8:31]. The Beast of Revlelation
17, comes up out of the Bottomless Pit.

And now these demon-locusts arise from
the opened Pit as a swarm of evil creatures
from hell. Evil creatures are held there for
a particular period of time and are released
when that time is up, to do some particular
reason or purpose.

Satan is bound in the Bottomless Pit dur-
ing the Millennium [1000 years], but
will be let out at the end for a little while
longer to test the nations. Revelation 20:7-9
So these locusts are not ordinary. They are
supernatural creatures that have been let
loose from the Bottomless Pit and have the
power to torment men, but not kill them.
These locusts were commanded not to
touch any green things. Ordinary locusts
have power to destroy one thing, the green

These demon-locusts have power to sting
like a scorpion. Ordinary locusts don't.
These locusts' description, "like unto
horses prepared for battle; and on their
heads crowns like gold, and their faces
were as the faces of men, and they had
hair as the hair of women; and their
teeth as the teeth of lions. . ."

Again not that of ordinary locusts.
When a plague of locusts swarm, they are
able to darken the sky.

So when these locusts come out the Pit, in
their swarming, they will darken the sun.

But by their coming out of the Pit, they are
not like ordinary locusts.
These locusts came out of the Bottomless
Pit or Abyss.

Ordinary locusts don't come from the Bot-
tomless Pit.

The Pit is a place for confined demons,

[Luke 8:27-31];
the Beast [Revelation 17:8];
fallen angels [Revelation 9:11;
and Satan himself during the Millennium
[Revelation 20:1-3].
The locusts in Revelation 9:3 are not the
ordinary kind of locust. They are demon

They have a
king over
them called
or Apollyon,
the angel
of the
pit. [vs 11].

Ordinary locusts do not have a king
over them.
In the case of the Fifth Trumpet, it seems
evident that the 'star' represents a person-
ality, an evil one.

For it is a "star fallen from heaven". He has
the key of the bottomless pit, so he can let
lose a multitude of demon locusts.

A true angel may descend from heaven but
never 'falls from heaven'. Such a term refers
to one cast out of heaven. Satan's fall from
heaven in Luke 10:18, "And he said unto
them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from
'Stars' in the Book of Revelation mean
various things.

They may represent human beings, as in
Revelation 1:16,20 where they are guard-
ians, or pastors, of the Seven Churches.
[also see Daniel 12:3]

They can be good angels or bad angels as
in both the Old and New Testaments.
[Judges 5:20 and Revelation 12:4]

They are seen as meteorites as in the
Sixth Seal. [Revelation 6:13]

This star that fell
onto the earth
under the
Fifth Trumpet is
Satan, the fallen

The Greek rendering is: "I saw a star fallen
upon earth." He had fallen from the heaven
at the beginning of the Great Tribulation.

"And the fifth angel
sounded, and I saw a
star fall from heaven
unto the earth: and to
him was given the key
of the bottomless pit.

And he opened the bottomless pit; and
there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the
smoke of a great furnace; and the sun
and the air were darkened by reason of
the smoke of the pit.
And there came out of the smoke locusts
upon the earth: and unto them was
given power, as the scorpions of the
earth have power.
And it was commanded them that they
should not hurt the grass of the earth,
neither any green thing, neither any
tree; but only those men which have
not the seal of God in their foreheads."
Revelation 9:1-4
"The Three Woes" Revelation 8:13, 9:12
and 11:14 shows they are the 5th, 6th and
7th Trumpets.

These judgments are much more severe
than the first four.
Darknes is settling over the earth. When
Christ was on the cross, there was dark-
ness from the sixth hour to the ninth hour,
one quarter of the day. [Matthew 27:45]

Now darkness covers one-third of the day.
The same is with the night.
Some do not believe in Divine intervention
in the natural world. But they will learn
that they are mistaken.

God is intervening. Strange things are
happening in the heavenlies.

There has been hail; lightning and thunder;
fires have broken out in hundred of places;
meteorites have fallen from heaven.

Natural attempts to explain them have been
seen as foolish. Now the light of day is cut
to one-third.

The wise and great men are speechless.
At the same time, the Antichrist rages
against forces he has no power to control.
This Fourth Trumpet lets us know that
the light of both the sun and moon, and
the stars will change.

Maybe it will be a phenomenon that even
the astronomers can't explain.
The Fourth Trumpet affects the heavens,
the sun and moon, and the stars.

This shows that John, even though he
didn't know of the modern astronomy
discoveries that claims stars to be great
flaming suns in space. That fixed stars
would fall from heaven under the judg-
ment of the Fourth Trumpet.

"And the fourth
angel sounded,
and the third
part of the sun
was smitten,
and the third
part of the moon,
and the third part of the stars;
so as the third part of them was darkened,
and the day shone not for a third part of it,
and the night likewise."
Revelation 8:12
There is a prophecy in Jeremiah, because
of Israel's wickedness, and their refusal
to obey His voice, that the Lord speaks
this to the people:

"Behold I will feed them with wormwood,
and given them water of gall to drink."
Jeremiah 9:15
The Third Trumpet is similar to the Second.

A great star falls to earth burning as a lamp
and it strikes the rivers.

A falling or fallen star, can literally be a falling
meteor or meteorite. The object is spoken of
as "it" meaning something impersonal. It
and its vapor puts something poisonous in
the waters killing those who drink it. This
one is called "Wormwood", named after a
bitter poisonous herb.

"And the third angel
sounded, and there
fell a great star
from heaven,
burning as
it were a lamp,
and it fell upon
the third part of
the rivers, and upon the
fountains of waters;
And the name of the star is called
Wormwood: and the third part of the
waters became wormwood; and many
men died of the waters, because they
were made bitter." Revelation 8:10-11
The Second Trumpet in Isaiah 2:12-16,
the prophet is speaking of the Great Day
of the Lord. "The day of the Lord shall
be upon everyone that is high and lofty. .
. . .And upon all the ships of Tarshish. . ."

Besides the effects of this falling object
will be that the sea will turn to blood.
Whatever causes it, dead animals, or
other causes, we don't know.

Under the judgments upon Egypt, the
waters turned to blood, Exodus 7:20.
We can expect a literal fulfillment also
from this Second Trumpet.