"And they heard a great voice from heaven
saying unto them, Come up hither. And
they ascended up to heaven in a cloud; and
their enemies beheld them.
And the same hour was there a great
earthquake, and the tenth part of the city
fell, and in the earthquake were slain of
men seven thousand: and the remnant
were affrighted, and gave glory to the God
of heaven.
The second woe is past; and, behold, the
third woe cometh quickly.
And the seventh angel sounded; and there
were great voices in
heaven, saying, The
kingdoms of this world
are become the
kingdoms of our Lord,
and of his Christ;
and he shall reign for
ever and ever."

Revelation 11:12-15
Many wonder if the woes will bring people
to their senses or if these judgments cause
the nations to come to repentence.

One would hope so. But evil is far advanced.
"And the rest of the men which were not
killed by these plagues yet repented not of
the works of their hands, that they should
not worship devils, and idols of gold, and
silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood:
which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk:
Neither repented they of their murders, nor
of the sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor
of their thefts." Revelation 9:20-21
The earth has a population of about three
billion people. Considering the huge number
killed during the Great Tribulation, if 1/3 are
wiped out under the Sixth Trumpet, it will
hardly leave one and a half billion.

The Vial judgments and Armageddon are yet
to come, and that indicates that less than a
billion people will be left by the time the
Battle of Armageddon is over.

These are rough estimates.
The 18th verse declares that "the third part
of men" are slain by these horsemen.

The Great and Notable Day of the Lord is a
time of dealing with the human race. Only
a remnant [portion] will be left to go into
the Millennium [a thousand year reign of
Jesus Christ].

Only eight survived the Flood; there will be
more remaining here when the judgment
is completed, but it is true that the wicked
are to be rooted out of the earth.

"The inhabitants of the earth are burned
and few men are left." Isaiah 24:6
The infernal horsemen of the Sixth Trumpet,
do not come to deceive men. The day of
deception is over, Satan now unmasks his
demonic identity.

Those who have taken the mark of the beast,
are doomed while they live.

These horsemen from the demon world come
to torment and destroy human beings. They
without the protection of the Spirit of God
have little or not defense.
These horsemen are not natural coming from
the spirit world. Under certain circumstances
they are able to make their presence felt in the
natural world.

We have heard of many strange accounts of
men in 'Flying Saucers'. Eye witnesses tell of
them moving at terrific speed and have the
ability to take of instantly etc. They can
materialize and dematerialize.

All of which suggests of sorcery and of the
Black Arts. Those who are led away by them,
have no real foundation in the Word of God.

Merry Christmas 2010

The army of 'two hundred million horsemen'
that follows these angels, are either humans
or they are of the spirit world.

"And the number of the army of the horsemen
were two hundred thousand thousand: and I
heard the number of them." Revelation 9:16

These have to be spirit-horsemen. An army of
200,000,000 horsemen would be more than
the natural resources of the world.

Even if it is conceivable that an army of this
size could be mobilized, there certainly isn't
that many horses available.
Some believe that the times "an hour, and
a day, and a month, and a year, for to slay
the third of men", also refers to the length
of time of these angel's freedom.

This is possible, and might indicate the
remaining length of time left until the end
of the judgments on the earth.

Some judgments [not the Fifth Trumpet]
continues even after another begins.

For instance, the effects of the First Vial
are still felt when the Fifth Vial is poured
out. Revelation 16:11
In Revelation 9:15, it states that these angels
"were prepared for an hour, and a day, and
a month, and a year, to slay the third part of

This must mean that the loosing of these
angels which had been imprisoned has been
set for a certain time, and this event will ful-
fill a definite purpose in God's plan.
Acts 15:18 "Known unto God are all his works
from the beginning of the world."

God never has to ad lib, but he knows the end
from the beginning, He has expected every

Every detail of the prophetic word will move
on to the appointed conclusion of His plan.
We aren't told if the angels bound in
"Euphrates" are of the angels which are in
Tartarus. But whether they are or aren't,
or whether "Euphrates" is another prison
house for fallen angel, it makes no differ-

These are evil angels that have been bound
and are to be loosed at this particular time.
In the book of Jude, he speaks of the same
thing in the sixth verse .

"And the angels which kept not their first
estate, but left their own habitation, he hath
reserved in everlasting chains under dark-
ness unto the judgment of the great day."
The loosing of the four angels that are
bound evidently means they are evil angels.
Good angels are never bound. Some but
not all evil angels are bound.

Peter told us that certain angels that had
sinned and kept not their first estate, have
been cast down to hell. [the word used here
in the Greek for 'hell' isn't Hades which is
the place of the dead or Gehenna which is
the Lake of Fire].

It is "Tartarus" apparently a prison in the
earth possibly associated but not identical
with the Bottomless Pit.

"For if God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell, and delivered
them into chains of darkness, to be reserved
unto judgment. . . ." 2 Peter 2:4
An altar always speaks of mercy, but we
find this altar crying out for judgment.

Some great crimes has apparently been
committed against it, to cause its four
horns to cry out. Its implication is that
God's way of forgiveness has been re-

Read Revelation 9:13-16

The Sixth Trumpet
is a severe judgment
and is called one of
the three woes.

The Sixth Trumpet
sounded a judgment
more intense than
even the one before it.

The Sixth Trumpet destroys one-third of
the earth's population. It is a catastrophe.

Just like in the Fifth Trumpet, inhabitants
of the spirit-world are active in this judg-
ment also.
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
tells that God's people who earnestly seek
Him are protected.

The locust-demons or locust-horses can
not touch or harm those who have the
seal of God. "And it was commanded them
that they should not hurt. . .only those men
which have not the seal of God on their
foreheads" Revelation 9:4 This refers to
Israelites who were sealed. Revelation 7:

In Joel 2, Israel, is commanded "to weep
between the porch and the altar" and to
seek mercy from God. Joel 2:17

This evidence is strong that the locust-
horses of Revelation 9 that came from the
Pit during the Fifth Trumpet are the same
as those in the prophecy of Joel 2.
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
has armies that show organization behind

The locust horses of the Fifth Trumpet
"had a king over them, which is the angel
of the bottomless pit. . . "

The prophecy of Joel 2, shows that this
army moves not at random, but in an
orderly way, with a common purpose,
indicating organization and command.
Joel 2:7-8
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
liken the noise of the locust-horses to the
sound of chariots.

The locust-horses make a sound "as the
sound of chariots, of many horses running
to battle." Revelation 9:9

The prophecy in Joel, also tells them mak-
ing the noise of chariots. "Like the noise of
chariots on the tops of mountains shall
they leap, like the noise of a flame of fire
that devoureth the stubble, as a strong
people set in battle array." Joel 2:5.
Both prophecies of Revelation and Joel
tells of creatures having power to injure
but not kill.

"And to them it was given that they should
not kill them but that they should be torm-
ented five months; and their torment was
as the torment of a scorpion when he
striketh a man." Revelation 9:5

The prophecy in Joel, declares that these
creatures shall cause much pain, but they
are not said to kill.

"Before their face the people shall be much
pained: all faces shall gather blackness."
Joel 2:6
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
tells of spirit-creatures.

Though the locusts were demons "like
unto horses", they were not actual horses.
They were spirit-beings that came out of
the Bottomless Pit.

The prophecy in Joel, refers to the non-
natural nature. Ordinary horses or locusts
can be killed. These evil creature couldn't
be wounded in Joel 2:8.

Also, they have power to climb walls, run
upon them, enter windows, which ordinary
horses can't do Joel 2:7-9.
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
tells of creatures like horses. These locust-
demons are like unto horses prepared for
battle. "And the shapes of the locusts were
like unto horses prepared for battle."
Revelation 9:7

The prophecy of Joel tells of strange creat-

ures with the appearance of horses. " The
appearance of them is as the appearance
of horses: and as horsemen, so shall they
run." Joel 2:4
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
refer to locust-like creatures.

The Fifth Trumpet has demon-locusts

coming out of the Bottomless Pit. They
are similar to locusts but they are not
literal locusts. "And there came out of
the smoke, locusts upon the earth; and
unto them was given power, as scorp-
ions of the earth had power."
Revelation 9:3

The prophecy of Joel 2 tells of an army

of creatures which came upon the land
that act like locusts, but they are not
literal locusts.
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
begins by the blowing of a trumpet.

The Fifth Trumpet is preceded by an
angel blowing a trumpet Revelation 9:1.
In Joel 2:1 the prophecy is preceded by
the blowing of a trumpet.
Both prophecies in Revelation and Joel
speak of a day of darkness. . .

The Day of the Lord is introduced with
the darkening of the sun and moon. The
Fourth Trumpet, before the Fifth Trumpet
was the same. "The third part of the sun
was smitten, and the third part of the
moon, and the third part of the stars; so
as the third part of them was darkened."
Revelation 8:12

The Fifth Trumpet has a darkening of
the sun by the smoke from the Bottom-
less Pit. Revelation 9:2 And the prophecy
of Joel 2:2 also speaks of this day of
Both prophecies in Revelation 6:12-17
and Joel 2:10 speaks of an earthquake.

The Day of the Lord as shown in Revelation,
begins with an earthquake, the darkening
of the sun and the moon, the shaking of the
heavens, and the falling of the stars from

The prophecy in Joel is preceded by an
earthquake, the darkening of the sun and the
moon and the stars.