In the camping order of Israel in the wilderness, there was a fixed order of the Twelve Tribes to the Tabernacle.

     In camp the Tabernacle sat in the middle.

The camp of Judah,
       composed of 3 Tribes,
           rested on the East,
              with its Standard bearing the figure of a
The camp of Ephraim,
       composed of 3 Tribes,
           rested on the West,
              with  its Standard bearing the figure of
                            an Ox.
The camp of Reuben,
       composed of 3 Tribes,
           rested on the South,
              with its Standard bearing a figure of a
The camp of Dan,
       composed of 3 Tribes,
           rested on the North,
              with its Standard bearing a figure of an

The Tabernacle in the center of the Camp,
        the place of God's Presence,
              was surrounded and protected by
                     Standards that bore the figures of
                            Ezekiel's and John's
                               Living Creatures.