When Jesus was accused of using demonic power to cast out devils, He said a kingdom divided against itself could not stand, Matthew 12:25,  And Jesus knew their thoughts, and said unto them, Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation; and every city or house divided against itself shall not stand: 
In the final commission before Jesus went back to sit on the right hand of the Father in heaven, HIs last instructions were to deliver people who are possessed of devils.

         He did not infer in any way that these devils could hurt believers or could even stand up against them. He told His disciples to cast them out!

                 The Word of God is either true or not true. If we as Christians have authority to cast out demons, we must obey. "Casting out" is an offensive action. This means to take the initiative and be the aggressor.
The Great Commission was the final words spoken by Jesus Christ on the earth during His ministry,
Mark 16:17,  And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
When Jesus sent His seventy disciples, these men were not of the same level of teaching as the first twelve, but they were sent by Jesus also. He gave them power not only to heal the sick, but to cast out devils.

         Jesus didn't warn them to protect themselves against demons or instruct them in any particular way to handle evil spirits other than they were to cast them out.

                  This tells us that Christians cannot be possessed of devils or need to fear them; because we have the Holy Spirit in us and they didn't. Jesus hadn't died yet.
Jesus didn't warn his disciples to protect themselves against demon power. And he didn't warn them that they may become possessed or injured while rebuking them.

          Jesus gave them authority over all demonic forces. The Bible doesn't teach anywhere in it that his followers are to fear the devil or of being in danger of personally possessed of demons.
The Christian's position in Christ is answered by Jesus when He sent His disciples [of which we are] out, giving them the power and authority over devils.

              And when he had called unto him his twelve disciples, he gave them power against unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all manner of sickness and all manner of disease, Matthew 10:1.
Believers must place our lives in the hand of God to guide us every day. We don't need to know what is going to happen tomorrow. If we did, we wouldn't have to walk by faith.

         We don't need to be curious about the future. The Word of God tells us all we need to know. If we believe in the Gospel, we are saved and if we don't we are damned, Mark 16:16. When we die, we either go to heaven or to hell.
Anything that is of superstition must be removed from the Christian's life.

         Any Christian who goes to fortune-tellers of any kind, has opened their life to demon possession.

                   So is reading horoscopes lies of the devil, even if they seem to be right on according to the life of the reader. The devil knows each persons life because he tries to involve himself in all of our lives.
Some people have writings on pieces of paper that they keep in their pocket in order to have good luck.

         Luck has to do with the devil, Lucifer.

                  There is no luck with God, the things that come from Him comes by His loving care.
In America people put good luck charms and statues of Saints on the dashboards in their cars or hang them on the rearview mirrors, hoping they will bring good luck.

          They are symbols of demon power and Christians should not use them.
This is what they did in the book of Acts to defeat the devil 19:19, Many of them also which used curious arts brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver.

           This was a fortune, Thirty pieces of silver was the price of a slave. It would amount to 1,666 and 2/3 slaves.

                     They brought untold wealth into the street and burned it. It was brought out publicly and destroyed, so that nothing of the devil's power could remain.
On the selves in our homes, we may have some curios that we've purchased from any department store here in America.

          Many have bought them in foreign land and place them all around the house. Some homes have Buddha, etc. and crosses with Jesus still on them, which He is not, and numerous other types of items that may be idols.

                   If there are problems in the home, check to see what is sitting around that may need to be removed or cleansed in the name of Jesus.
Almost all witch doctors and fortune-tellers have tarot cards and even regular playing cards to help them in their businesses. As Christians we have no business having them in our homes.

         Those and crystals, even if they are toys or play things can cause disruptions in the home and shouldn't be sitting around in the house.
There is a 'game' called a Ouija board that is a symbol of the devil's power an he is the only god or one who speaks through it and anyone who has one should take it out and burn it in Jesus' name.
You may have heard of Jeanne Dixon. She predicted the future for politicians and others.

         In order to know one's future she used a crystal ball, which is a symbol of the devil's power. She also used tarot cards, another symbol of his power.

                  Christians are never to get involved with that sort of activity because it brings to play the devil's power and God's power will not join in that activity.
There was a preacher that went to Indonesia and stayed at the home of a lay witch doctor who was possessed of seven devils.

          While the doctor was a work one day his wife said she would show the preacher how he communicates with his spirits. These spirits hated his wife because she was a Christian. She had to sleep in another room because if she tried to sleep with her husband, these spirits threw her onto the floor. She had bruises on her body as a result.

                      Now we may not understand things like that, but a lot of people in America are beginning to understand the devil's power.
welcome to hell

When a well known preacher prayed for a possessed girl in the Philippines, she wore a strange metal cross around her neck. It was a symbol of the devil's power.

           This girl sometimes acted like an animal. She would crawl up under the desk of the Chief of Police. Once he kicked her and told her to get out from under there. She complained that she had lost her cross. He said he didn't know anything about her cross and to prove it he took both his front pockets and pulled them out so she could see and shook them. Then he put the pockets back into his pants. She told him to look again, so he put his hands back into his pockets and found the cross in one of them.

                   It frightened him. Four days later he died.
In the headhunter country of Luzon, there is a tree where spirits live. That tree is a symbol of demon power; it is greasy looking and doesn't have a leaf on it, because the worshipers have rubbed their hands all over it and it looks evil. The boughs are gnarled and crooked; and it looks possessed.

           The tribe people says that their spirit gods live in it. They offer  their offerings and burn incense at the foot of it.
The same previous bible teacher was in China at a large Buddhist temple. The priest was showing him their gods which were many. Some were frightening, others had many arms.

           Pointing to an idol about 16 to 18 feet high, he asked the priest, "How can that idol help you?" The priest was very polite and said, "You don't understand, that idol doesn't have power. We know that, the spirit of that idol is somewhere else right now, but if I were to bring incense and food and put it before the idol and start praying something would start happening.

                    The priest took the teacher around to the back of the huge idol and pointed to a hole. "That is where the spirit goes in and out. It wants worship, so if  I come and kneel here and make an offering and burn incense or candles, immediately the spirit comes and communicates with me."

                             The devil wants to be worshiped and he will get into any kind of idol if a human will worship him. Christians, true born again believers, should never have such idols.
There was a bible teacher from another country telling about how for several days his class was always tired and some falling to sleep during his teaching.

          So one day after class, he started looking around the classroom and discovered a bronze statue of a cobra near a window. It was a coiled cobra that many in that country worshipped as a god.

                 He took it outside and later spent some time praying and praising as usual getting ready for his class the next day. He didn't say anything about what he had found or done with the statue.

                          The next morning, not one single student became drowsy or fell asleep.
The devil has symbols of his power.

           Christians should never have symbols of the devil's power in their possession. They are of the devil's power and may have strength that we don't know about.

                     The heathen use all kinds of symbols to worship. The witch doctors of the world make dolls and put pins through them to cause injury to their enemies from a distance. Dolls are used in evil practices.

                                 All voodoo religions have artifacts; good luck charms, and all kinds of symbols referring to the power of satan.
The heathen didn't understand God's power.

         When the Philistines captured the Ark of God, seeing it was a religious relic, they placed it in their temple.

                  The next morning, their God, Dagon, was down on his face and broken to pieces, destroyed.

                           The presence of God, the Ark, destroyed Dagon, their God, 1 Samuel 5:4