The same previous bible teacher was in China at a large Buddhist temple. The priest was showing him their gods which were many. Some were frightening, others had many arms.

           Pointing to an idol about 16 to 18 feet high, he asked the priest, "How can that idol help you?" The priest was very polite and said, "You don't understand, that idol doesn't have power. We know that, the spirit of that idol is somewhere else right now, but if I were to bring incense and food and put it before the idol and start praying something would start happening.

                    The priest took the teacher around to the back of the huge idol and pointed to a hole. "That is where the spirit goes in and out. It wants worship, so if  I come and kneel here and make an offering and burn incense or candles, immediately the spirit comes and communicates with me."

                             The devil wants to be worshiped and he will get into any kind of idol if a human will worship him. Christians, true born again believers, should never have such idols.