Then a powerful angel picked up a stone that was like a large millstone. He threw it into the sea and said,
     “The important city Babylon will be thrown 
       down with the same force.
       It will never be found again.
       The sound of harpists, musicians, flutists, 
        and trumpeters will never be heard in it again.
        A skilled craftsman—regardless of the type 
        of craft will never be found in it again.
        The sound of a millstone will never be heard 
         in it again.
         Light from lamps will never shine in it again.
         Voices of brides and grooms will never be 
          heard in it again.
Its merchants were the important people of the world,
because all the nations were deceived by its witchcraft.

      The blood of prophets, God’s people, and everyone 
who had been murdered on earth was found in it.”