"For the promise,
that he should be
the heir of the
the heir of the
world, was not to
Abraham, or to
Abraham, or to
his seed, through
the law, but
the law, but
through the
righteousness of faith." Romans 4:3
Israel is only the heir of the kingdom.
The Kingdom that God will set up in
this world is called the Kingdom of
When a Jewish person believes in that
gospel, he becomes a citizen of that
It looks like there will be two Kingdoms.
There will be an eternal Kingdom that
is inherited by the nation of Israel
placed here in this world; AND
There will be an eternal Kingdom that
is inherited by the believers in Jesus,
the Body of Christ, the Church.
Israel is only the heir of the kingdom.
The Kingdom that God will set up in
this world is called the Kingdom of
When a Jewish person believes in that
gospel, he becomes a citizen of that
It looks like there will be two Kingdoms.
There will be an eternal Kingdom that
is inherited by the nation of Israel
placed here in this world; AND
There will be an eternal Kingdom that
is inherited by the believers in Jesus,
the Body of Christ, the Church.