For those who
rejected Salvation
and for those who
and for those who
made no decision,
will not be received royally by their
Prince of Darkness, their deceiver.
But those who received Jesus as their
Savior will be welcomed to the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb......A Royal Affair.
No party in this world can compare to
the celebration that will be ours in heaven.
The Lord knows how to put on a party.
It's not a "black tie" affair.
It is a "white robe" affair.
We must have on the right outfit for the
occasion. We must be clothed in the
"white robes of righteousness" to enter
this event.
will not be received royally by their
Prince of Darkness, their deceiver.
But those who received Jesus as their
Savior will be welcomed to the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb......A Royal Affair.
No party in this world can compare to
the celebration that will be ours in heaven.
The Lord knows how to put on a party.
It's not a "black tie" affair.
It is a "white robe" affair.
We must have on the right outfit for the
occasion. We must be clothed in the
"white robes of righteousness" to enter
this event.