The question
"Does the Bible
teach that there
will be such a
time as 'the
is asked the
most. The
answer is
answer is
"In Matthew 24 & 25 Jesus gives
us a real picture of the tribulation
and the actual end of the world as
we know it.
The Word refers to the tribulation
in many places, such as Revelation.
It's called 'Jacob's Trouble' in some
It is the name given to the seven
years that God will pour out His
wrath or vengence upon the world.
"In Matthew 24 & 25 Jesus gives
us a real picture of the tribulation
and the actual end of the world as
we know it.
The Word refers to the tribulation
in many places, such as Revelation.
It's called 'Jacob's Trouble' in some
It is the name given to the seven
years that God will pour out His
wrath or vengence upon the world.