This is one of the most
important times in the
Book of Revelation.
The Two witnesses are martyred during
the Sixth Trumpet, also called the Second
Woe [Revelation 11:12-15].
The length of time of their public testimony
is 1260 days or 3 1/2 years [Revelation 11:3].
The Antichrist during that time reigns 3 1/2
years or 42 months; same as the two
witnesses [Revelation 13:5].
The Antichrist kills the two witnesses [Rev-
elation 11:7]. It shows that these witnesses
begin their ministry about the same time
the Antichrist is fully revealed.
Though th

and raptured during
the Sixth Trumpet,
its clear that they
their testimony
3 1/2 years earlier near
the start of the Great Tribulation.